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Dima Pasechnik
  • Member for 13 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
6 votes

Realization of irreducible $\mathfrak{S}_d$-modules and the representation theory of Lie algebra

1 vote

When have we lost a body of mathematics because errors were found?

2 votes

Eigenvalues of partial Hankel matrices

6 votes

Complexity of solving systems of linear diophantine equations

8 votes

Transitive permutation groups which all of their proper subgroups are intransitive

3 votes

Torsion-free, normal subgroups of certain Coxeter groups

10 votes

Cayley graphs of $A_n.$

3 votes

Self-complementary block designs

4 votes

Graphs cospectral with Cayley graphs

8 votes

spectrum of Hadamard matrices

6 votes

Is there a class of optimization problems more general than semidefinite programming?

2 votes

On the Suzuki group

8 votes

Which journals publish experimental results in pure maths?

8 votes

Which journals publish experimental results in pure maths?

6 votes

Is there a similar theory as for symmetric polynomials, that deals with polynomials on the entries of matrices that are symmetric in both dimensions?

2 votes

Weights on cyclic orderings

6 votes

Strongly connected graph and the eigenvalues of the laplacian matrix

5 votes

asymptotic for the number of involutions in GL(n,2)

3 votes

What algebraic structures are related to the McGee graph?

7 votes

How much of the ATLAS of finite groups is independently checked and/or computer verified?

2 votes

Anyone have missing reference list - Kerber "Representations . . . I"

13 votes

John Nash's Mathematical Legacy

2 votes

Upper bound on Betti numbers of an intersection of hypersurfaces (or quadrics)

1 vote

Number of matrices with given Smith normal form

3 votes

Is anything known about the eigenspectrum of the regular representation of the permutation group?

5 votes

Explicit permutation representation of the Thompson sporadic simple group?

2 votes

The name of a group of order 24

2 votes

Moment problem for discrete distributions

2 votes

A certain matrix associated to graphs

5 votes

A certain matrix associated to graphs

3 4
6 7