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Oops, I should have said "numerators of $q$-Bernoulli numbers". These rational functions were introduced by Carlitz in Carlitz, L. q-Bernoulli numbers and polynomials. Duke Math. J. 15, (1948). 987–1000. They are available in sage as follows: "from sage.combinat.q_bernoulli import q_bernoulli" then "q_bernoulli(20).numerator()"
It seems to me that the function $sin(x)/x$ is not decreasing fast enough. Its graph does not look similar, and has long tails and many visible oscillations.
The picture is the plot of the list of coefficients of one polynomial (in a familly of polynomials indexed by the integers). This is essentially a sequence of points, one with coordinates $(i,c_i)$ for each monomial $c_i x^i$.
There are a few words at the end of section 4 of Borcherds' article "Modular Moonshine II" ( about $E_8(3)$ and the Thompson group. But this concerns modular representations of Th.