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Jonny Evans's user avatar
Jonny Evans
  • Member for 14 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a week ago
41 votes

Why should I care about the Jones polynomial?

33 votes

New grand projects in contemporary math

27 votes

H-principle and PDE's

26 votes

Has anything precise been written about the Fukaya category and Lagrangian skeletons?

21 votes

Why are Gromov-Witten invariants of K3 surfaces trivial?

20 votes

Noteworthy, but not so famous conjectures resolved recent years

17 votes

About MF Atiyah and R Bott's 1983 paper

17 votes

Intuitive crutches for higher dimensional thinking

16 votes

Does Fukaya see all symplectic topology?

15 votes

What prerequisites do I need to read the book Ricci Flow and the Poincare Conjecture, published by CMI

14 votes

Titles composed entirely of math symbols

14 votes

Why Donaldson's Four-Six Conjecture?

13 votes

Atlas-like websites on specific areas of mathematics

12 votes

Why believe Kontsevich cosheaf conjecture?

11 votes

Physical intuition behind prequantization spaces

11 votes

Old books still used

11 votes

book on calabi yau manifolds

11 votes

Is P^2 important in Kontsevich's recursion formula?

10 votes

Examples of great mathematical writing

10 votes

Reference Request: "Neck Stretching Procedure" (In Symplectic Field Theory)

10 votes

Why "monoidal" transformation?

9 votes

Del Pezzo surfaces and Picard-Lefschetz theory

9 votes

How not to use J-holomorphic curves

9 votes

Lagrangian intersection Floer homology: understanding some assumptions

8 votes

Cotangent bundles of surfaces as varieties

8 votes

Applications of Floer homology

8 votes

How do you see that higher genus surfaces are not homogeneous?

8 votes

Motivation of the fundamental theorem of covering spaces

8 votes

The convex hull of a manifold whose cobordism class is trivial

7 votes

Simple examples of Gromov-Witten invariants not being enumerative