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Jonny Evans's user avatar
Jonny Evans
  • Member for 14 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a week ago
4 votes

Computation of Gromov-Witten invariants for symplectic manifolds

4 votes

Complement of plane curve and knot

3 votes

From Delzant polytope to lattice polytope

3 votes

Examples of the moduli space of X giving facts about a certain X

3 votes

Isotrivial Monodromy

3 votes

Complex Analytic Structure on Moduli Space of Stable Maps

3 votes

Contactomorphisms have in general no fixed points

3 votes

Symplectic mapping class group and the "Lagrangian sphere complex"

3 votes

Two Lagrangian submanifolds with clean intersections

2 votes

Clarification on the ”neck stretching” applied to the base space of a Lefschetz fibration

2 votes

The meaning and purpose of "canonical''

2 votes

Boundary Maslov index of holomorphic disks in Calabi-Yau manifolds

2 votes

Isotrivial K3 family and Picard number

2 votes

Could this be a Hamiltonian symplectomorphism on a symplectic toric manifold

1 vote

Why are symplectic toric varieties projective?

1 vote

intersection and self intersection on non compact complex surfaces

1 vote

Strictly isotropic and strictly coisotropic submanifolds

1 vote

Lagrangian fibration on Schoen's Calabi-Yau 3-fold

1 vote

Homeomorphism between base of conifolds and spheres

0 votes

The higher structure of the Floer cochains of the diagonal in CP^ x CP^n

0 votes

Maslov index equal to $2$ implies that the disk is not multiply covered

0 votes

Discovering and selecting conferences

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