Marcel Bischoff's user avatar
Marcel Bischoff's user avatar
Marcel Bischoff's user avatar
Marcel Bischoff
  • Member for 13 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
16 votes

Is "being a modular category" a universal or categorical/algebraic property?

15 votes

Verlinde's formula

8 votes

$\text{Rep}(D(G))$ as representation category of a vertex operator algebra

8 votes

Is the central charge of a Drinfeld center always 0?

7 votes

Injectivity implies surjectivity

6 votes

Module categories for Fibonacci anyons

6 votes

How does Constructive Quantum Field Theory work?

6 votes

Are there natural examples of non-symmetric Frobenius algebras?

6 votes

Would a supersymmetric theory of von Neumann algebras be useful?

5 votes

Who colored in my Dynkin diagrams?

5 votes

Jones polynomial of tangles using Temperley-Lieb algbra?

4 votes

Conformally covariant distributions

4 votes

Symmetries of module categories over the category of representations of quantum $sl(2)$

4 votes

What is a true invariant of $G$-crossed braided fusion categories?

3 votes

When is a Module category monoidal?

3 votes

Unitary Operator as a complex valued function

3 votes

C*-algebraic representation of observables vs self-adjoint operators one

2 votes

Reference for Wick product

2 votes

Subfactor summer reading list

2 votes

The category of subfactors extending the category of groups?

2 votes

CFTs corresponding to affine Lie algebras

2 votes

Duality between orbifold and quasi-Hopf algebra (twisted quantum doubles)

2 votes

Commutative and Cocommutative Quantum Groups

2 votes

Are there examples of finite-dimensional weak Hopf C*-algebras with non-involutive antipode?

2 votes

Software for drawing diagrams

2 votes

Distinct 2D RCFTs with the same underlying MTC

2 votes

"Generators" for fusion rings

1 vote

Non Lie-group ribbon categories

1 vote

Is there a tangle encoding the fusion rules?

1 vote

subfactor of finite rank but infinite index: is this possible?