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Benedict Eastaugh
  • Member for 14 years, 1 month
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Looking for a complete exposition of the Burali-Forti paradox
It doesn't directly answer your question, but you may be interested in Florio and Leach-Krouse's recent article in the Review of Symbolic Logic, "What Russell should have said to Burali-Forti".
Is the set of rational numbers recursive?
@FrodeBjørdal if you want to see a standard development along the lines Andreas suggests, have a look at page 74 of Simpson's Subsystems of Second Order Arithmetic.
the strength of saying "each sentence of true arithmetic has a recursive proof"
Concerning (B): this is Shoenfield's completeness theorem (Shoenfield, J. R., 1959, "On a restricted $\omega$-rule", Bulletin de L'Académie Polonaise Des Sciences: Série des sciences mathématiques, astronomiques, et physiques 7:405–407). Shoenfield's original bound was $\omega^\omega$, but this can be improved to $\omega^2$. For details see Franzén, T., 2004, "Transfinite Progressions: A Second Look at Completeness", Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10(3):367–389.
Does Peano's existence theorem admits a constructive proof?
Peano's existence theorem is nonconstructive, as it is equivalent to weak König's lemma. Details are in §IV.8 of Simpson's Subsystems of Second Order Arithmetic. From that result we can also see that Ascoli's theorem is not required, since that is equivalent to the stronger axiom of arithmetical comprehension.
Can an algorithm decide whether a program computes all strings?
@JimHefferon plenty of them, e.g. chapter 5 of Rebecca Weber's recent book Computability Theory. More classically, it's used in Hartley Rogers's 1967 book Theory of Recursive Functions and Effective Computability. Google Books should give you page references in both cases.
Can an algorithm decide whether a program computes all strings?
@usul "This a standard trick -- running all TMs in parallel -- but I don't know if it has a name." This is called dovetailing.
On the consistency of ZFC (and ZF)
Let $H$ be Con(ZFC)? Or that there exists an $\omega$-model of ZFC, or a well-founded model of ZFC, or... There are a lot of them. The same answers should apply to your second question.
What areas of pure mathematics research are best for a post-PhD transition to industry?
I know at least one person with a PhD in computability theory who now works at Google.
Attribution of an equivalence of the existence of omega-models of RCA0
Thanks for such a careful explication of the subtleties, François. When formulating the question I was interpreting satisfaction in the second manner you list, but I should have been more explicit: as you rightly say, one should be careful when stating this theorem and its variants. Thankfully the lemma I am actually using does not rely on the meaning of "satisfies" in this manner (I am happy to state it in detail if that's informative).
Godel's Second Incompleteness theorem and Models
@DarMM your first sentence states the soundness theorem for first-order logic, not the completeness theorem. The completeness theorem is the converse of the soundness theorem.