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Hunter Brooks's user avatar
Hunter Brooks
  • Member for 15 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 10 years ago
75 votes

Why is an elliptic curve a group?

63 votes

How do we study Iwasawa theory?

39 votes

Links between Riemann surfaces and algebraic geometry

30 votes

Your favorite surprising connections in mathematics

25 votes

Definition and meaning of the conductor of an elliptic curve

19 votes

what is an Euler system and the motivation for it?

16 votes

Why do zeta functions contain so much information?

11 votes

Two questions about units in Number Fields

11 votes

Maximal (non-abelian) extensions of number fields unramified everywhere

7 votes

comparison of de Rham cohomology and etale cohomology

7 votes

Special values of $p$-adic $L$-functions.

6 votes

Elliptic Curves, Lattices, Lie Algebras

5 votes

Compatibility of Bloch-Kato and Beilinson-Bloch

5 votes

Relationship between monodromy representations and isomorphism of flat vector bundles

4 votes

Looking for applications of a nice result in linear algebra

3 votes

Fundamental problems whose solution seems completely out of reach

2 votes

Analogues of the Weierstrass p function for higher genus compact Riemann surfaces

2 votes

What does ramification have to do with separability?

1 vote

Galois cohomology of linear groups over local fields