A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.
Semiabelian categories are pointed exact protomodular categories with coproducts. Suitable for questions about protomodular categories as well.
The Lelong number is an invariant of a point of a complex analytic variety that in some sense measures the local density at that point.
Questions related to the International Congress of Mathematicians that takes place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1-9 August 2018.
Questions related to polynomials associated to a graph. For example, the Tutte polynomial, flow polynomial and chromatic polynomial.
Albert algebra is a 27-dimensional exceptional Jordan algebra.
For question related to Polymath3 Project which is aimed at the polynomial Hirsch conjecture.
Questions related to the International Congress of Mathematicians that has taken place in Hyderabad, India, 19-27 August 2010