A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.
minimal model program is part of the birational classification of algebraic varieties.
An arithmetic function is one whose domain is the positive integers and whose range is a subset of the complex numbers. There are a number of important number-theoretic examples.
Deprecated; do NOT use this tag. Instead you might use co.combinatorics or various more specific tags.
Algebraic methods in Graph Theory; the linear algebra method, graph homomorphisms, group theoretic methods (for example Cayley graphs), and graph invariants. For graph eigenvalue problems use the spe…
Design theory is the subfield of combinatorics concerning the existence and construction of highly symmetric arrangements. Finite projective planes, latin squares, and Steiner triple systems are exam…
Poisson geometry is the study of varieties endowed with a Poisson structure, which is a certain kind of 2-tensor. This is closely related to symplectic geometry.
For questions about coalgebras, comultiplication, cocommutativity, counity, comodules, bicomodules, coactions, corepresentations, cotensor product, subcoalgebras, coideals, coradical, cosemisimplicity…
Nonstandard analysis is a way of doing calculus and analysis with infinitesimals. The historical approach of Leibniz, Euler, and others to infinitesimal calculus was gradually replaced by epsilon, de…
The study of canonical inner models for large cardinal hypotheses, with particular attention to their fine structure theory, and iterability issues.
used to refer to mathematical/probabilistic/statistical modeling questions, usually this tag is used to ask about questions that are related with the mathematical formalism of the model in…
Better spelling "DeRham", not derham... I can't figure out how to change this... moderators?
The cohomology of the complex of differential forms on a smooth manifold with differential given by exte…
An irrational number is a real number that cannot be expressed in the form $\frac{n}{m}$ where $n$ and $m$ are integers.
A directed graph is a graph with directed edges. Loops and 2-cycles are usually allowed. See also the tag *quiver*.
An orthogonal matrix is an invertible real matrix whose inverse is equal to its transpose.
A Hamiltonian graph (directed or undirected) is a graph that contains a Hamiltonian cycle, that is, a cycle that visits every vertex exactly once.