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10 votes

Are the irrotational and solenoidal parts of a smooth vector field linearly independent?

$\newcommand\R{\mathbb R}\newcommand\na{\nabla}\newcommand\om{\boldsymbol{\omega}}\newcommand\si{\sigma}\newcommand\Ga{\Gamma}\newcommand\F{\mathbf F}\newcommand\x{\mathbf x}\newcommand\0{\mathbf 0}$...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
7 votes

Non-linear hyperbolic PDE

As I understand it, the equation you are imposing on the function $\theta(x,y)$, defined on a domain $D\subset\mathbb{R}^2$ in the $xy$-plane is that, for some positive constants $\lambda_1\not=\...
Robert Bryant's user avatar
7 votes

Uniqueness of solution of the wave equation

Since I haven't been able to track down Selberg's lecture notes since he moved to Bergen, and since the proof of the result I mentioned in this comment is super-short anyway, let me just include a ...
Willie Wong's user avatar
6 votes

Is the extension (dual restriction) operator on any smooth hypersurface a solution to some PDE?

Your question was basically answered by David Roberts in the comments, but let me write a few more words. Given a constant coefficient linear differential operator of degree $N$ $$ L = \sum_{|\alpha| \...
Willie Wong's user avatar
6 votes

Uniqueness of constructed solutions to the Helmholtz equation

The old Sherlock Holmes adage When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. applies here. Since nothing else you did was wrong, it must be your ...
Willie Wong's user avatar
6 votes

Finite speed propagation by finite energy method

For an equation that is actually hyperbolic, this is well-known. Here are some classical references: Lars Garding, Cauchy's Problem for Hyperbolic Equations (1958) Jean Leray, Hyperbolic ...
Willie Wong's user avatar
6 votes

Non-linear hyperbolic PDE

Write $z = e^{i2\theta}$ where $\theta$ is as in your second formulation, you have that the equation is equivalent to $$ -2i \partial^2_{xy} (z - \bar{z})+ (\partial^2_{xx} - \partial^2_{yy})(z + \bar{...
Willie Wong's user avatar
6 votes

Quasilinear wave equations without (weak) null conditions and conjectures

What you've found is basically "survivor bias", so it helps for me to describe a bit where the null conditions came about. Assertion 1: Quasilinear partial differential equations, in ...
Willie Wong's user avatar
5 votes

Decay estimate on wave equation

The key is to estimate the integral (where $g\in C^\infty_c(\mathbb{R}^3)$ by assumption) $$\tag{A} \iint_{|x - y| = t} g(y)~ dS_y \lesssim \iiint_{|x-y| \geq t} |D g|~dy. $$ Once this estimate is ...
Willie Wong's user avatar
5 votes

On a nonlinear wave equation

By replacing $\phi$ by $-\phi$ you can set $\alpha$ to be positive (or negative, if you wish). By replacing $\phi$ by $\lambda \phi$ you can rescale away $\alpha$. So you can set $\alpha$ to be either ...
Willie Wong's user avatar
4 votes

Wave equation in $ \Omega\times(0,T) $

Strichartz estimates on domains is a difficult problem! First: on bounded domains you cannot have any global in time Strichartz estimates. This is because of the presence of standing waves. (Set ...
Willie Wong's user avatar
4 votes

Finite propagation speed for non-smooth solutions to nonlinear wave equation

You can approach this dually using that for classical solutions the finite propagation speed holds. This argument is similar in spirit to this answer of mine for low regularity uniqueness for the ...
Willie Wong's user avatar
4 votes

EM-wave equation in matter from Lagrangian

Expanding on Carlo Beenakker's comment, one can't just expect to substitute in a complex dielectric function to properly describe absorption. Rather, the relevant question is how to structure a ...
Michael Engelhardt's user avatar
4 votes

Fractional derivative notation in wave turbulence

The fractional derivative $|\partial_x|^\alpha$ is discussed in One-dimensional wave turbulence by Zakharov, Dias, and Pushkarev. (Zakharov introduced the notation.) As they explain below Eq. 2.1, it ...
Carlo Beenakker's user avatar
4 votes

Determine the form of the wave equation in Minkowski space on the line element $ds^2 = -dt^2 + a(t)(dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2)$

In view of the given line element, the metric can be represented as $g_{\mu \nu } =\mbox{diag} (-1,a(t),a(t),a(t))$, and therefore the wave equation is $\Delta \phi =0$ with the Laplacian $$ \Delta = \...
Michael Engelhardt's user avatar
4 votes

wave equation with vanishing trace at infinity

If $q$ is not signed, then in general the solution need not be unique. The question of uniqueness can be reduced to the case where $f \equiv 0$. In this case, the constant $0$ function obviously solve ...
Willie Wong's user avatar
3 votes

the curvature wave equation

A similar equation that's been used is the Penrose wave equation \begin{equation} \square R_{a b c d} = 2 R_{a e d f} R{_b}{^e}{_c}{^f} - 2 R_{a e c f} R{_b}{^e}{_d}{^f} - R_{a b e f} R{_{c d}}{^{e f}}...
David Chow's user avatar
3 votes

Uniqueness of solution of the wave equation

The basic customary (and hidden) assumption I'm aware of which allows to conclude that the Cauchy problem $$ \begin{cases} \dfrac{\partial^2 u}{\partial t^2}-\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^n\dfrac{\partial^2 ...
Daniele Tampieri's user avatar
2 votes

Maxwell-Klein-Gordon energy estimates in Klainerman and Machedon's 1994 paper

There is a typo in the paper. Look at the bottom two lines of page 22 which I transcribe here \begin{align} \|\phi\|_{L^3} & \leq \ldots \\ & \lesssim \mathscr{I}_0^{1/2} (1+t)^{1/2} ( \...
Willie Wong's user avatar
2 votes

Well-posedness of wave equations with time-dependent coefficient

Who said that semigroups theory fails? I think you can do this in several ways with the theory. For instance you can apply Theorem 5.3.2, pp. 168, Section 5.3 : Semilinear and Quasilinear evolution ...
S. Maths's user avatar
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2 votes

Uniqueness of solution of the wave equation

Yes, as for any strictly hyperbolic equation you do have uniqueness and even much better, well-posedness: you can control the Sobolev norm of $u(t)$ by the Sobolev norms of the initial data $u(0), \...
Bazin's user avatar
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2 votes

How to estimate higher order regularity for wave type equation with time dependant coefficients?

$$ \tilde{u}_{tt} - \frac{2}{t}\tilde{u}_{t}-\Delta \tilde{u} = g_t -\frac{2}{t^2}\tilde{u} $$ $$ \dot{E} = 2 \int \tilde{u}_t (2 t^{-1} \tilde{u}_t + g_t - 2 t^{-2} \tilde{u} ) $$ $$ \dot{E} = 2 \int ...
Willie Wong's user avatar
2 votes

Energy estimates for nonlinear wave type equation

Define using $H(t) = \int (u_t)^2 + |\nabla u|^2 ~dx $ the standard energy. Taking the time derivative you find $$ \frac{d}{dt}H(t) = 2 \int u_t( g + \frac{2}{t} u_t)$$ Writing $\|\cdot \|$ for the $L^...
Willie Wong's user avatar
2 votes

Classification of homogeneous distributions

In sergiu's notes that you referred to, $j_a$ is defined in Definition 3.2 on Page 65. See equation (134).
Willie Wong's user avatar
2 votes

How to find the conserved quantities of the Kirchhoff equation?

Some of them: Multiply by $u_x$ and integrate, you get $$ \int u_{tt} u_x ~dx = 0 $$ so $$ \partial_t \int u_{t} u_x ~dx - \int u_t u_{tx} ~dx = 0 $$ the second term integrates to zero. Multiply by ...
Willie Wong's user avatar
2 votes

Estimate $\Vert \Delta u(t)\Vert_{2}$ in term of energy

You cannot. Let $v$ be a Dirichlet eigenfunction of $-\Delta$ on the domain $\Omega$ with eigenvalue $\lambda > 0$. The function $$ u(t,x) = \sin(\sqrt{\lambda}t) v(x) $$ solves the wave equation. ...
Willie Wong's user avatar
2 votes

How to prove $ \|u\|_{L^{\infty}}\leq C\|\partial_1\square u\|_{L^1} $ for any $ u\in C_0^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{1+2}) $?

Let $E$ be a fondamental solution of $\partial_{x_1}\square$. Then you have for $u$ compactly supported $$ u=u\ast \delta=u\ast (\partial_{x_1}\square E)= (\partial_{x_1}\square u)\ast E, $$ so that $ ...
Bazin's user avatar
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2 votes

Definitions of weak solutions for quasilinear wave equations

For simplicity I'll assume $u$ is scalar valued, but I am pretty sure the discussion also works for $u$ that is a section of some vector bundle over $M$ (if the wave operator is quasidiagonal). ...
Willie Wong's user avatar
1 vote

Deriving Sommerfeld radiation condition from limiting absorption principle

The literature on this subject is indeed vast, so I'll just cite one recent paper that I'm familiar with that discusses the non-self adjoint case in a fair amount of generality: arXiv:1905.12587 [...
Ethan Sussman's user avatar
1 vote

What is the analytical form of the cylindrical wave appearing on reflection of a plane wave from a corner?

The keywords to search for this "scattering by a corner reflector" appear to have been "diffraction by a wedge". There's been quite a bit of research on exactly this kind of ...
Ruslan's user avatar
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