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14 votes

"Universal" triangulated category

I will give a partial answer. I note that the OP has asked a LOT of questions recently (I count 12 so far in the first 9 days of August), and many of them are good questions on which much research has ...
David White's user avatar
  • 30.3k
13 votes

Homotopy coherent colimits in chain complexes

The result is not only true for simplicial model categories, but for plain combinatorial model categories too - this is Higher Algebra In fact, for this you can reduce to the case of ...
Maxime Ramzi's user avatar
  • 15.8k
12 votes

Modern proofs for simplicial localizations

For Question 1. It is documented in Corolary in Lurie's Higher Topos theory that $N_\Delta(\underline{M}^{cf})$ is an $\infty$-category with small limits (and small colimits). Moreover, the ...
D.-C. Cisinski's user avatar
11 votes

Is the simplicial nerve a localization?

This is not true. Here is a counter example. We let $\mathcal{C}_*$ be the following simplicial category. It has two objects 0 and 1. Their only endomorphisms are the identity. There are no morphisms ...
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
9 votes

question about notation in HTT of J.Lurie

Just think in terms of ordinary sets for the moment. We have sets and maps $X\xrightarrow{\phi}S\xleftarrow{\psi}Y$ and we want to think about the set $$ \text{Map}_S(X,Y) = \{f\colon X\to Y: \psi f=\...
Neil Strickland's user avatar
8 votes

How do the various homotopy 2-categories compare?

The simplicial sets $h_2(N^\Delta(\mathcal{C}))$ and $N^D(H_2(\mathcal{C}))$ are isomorphic. To prove this, observe that the universal property of $h_2(N^\Delta(\mathcal{C}))$ applied to the image ...
Alexander Campbell's user avatar
7 votes

How are simplicial sets with Quillen model structure a simplicial model category?

The trick is to check that the corner map $$\lambda^n_k\bar{\times}\delta^m:\Lambda^n_k \times \Delta^m \coprod_{\Lambda^n_k\times \partial \Delta^m} \Delta^n \times \partial \Delta^m \hookrightarrow \...
Harry Gindi's user avatar
  • 19.6k
6 votes

Proof that a quasicategory is equivalent to the homotopy coherent nerve of a simplicial category

Sorry, we should have made this more clear. One proof appears as Theorem 7.2.2 in our previous paper in this series, The comprehension construction. As suggested by others, it follows from a suitably ...
Emily Riehl's user avatar
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6 votes

Classifying the endofunctors of the category $\Delta$ of finite linear orders

See Edgewise subdivision and simple maps by Knut Berg (supervised by me), Generalized edgewise subdivisions by Katerina Velcheva (supervised by Clark Barwick) and the earlier MathOverflow question ...
John Rognes's user avatar
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5 votes

Is hammock localization a localization in the sense of Lurie?

It's generally best not to leave questions without an answer, even if they are answered in the comments. MO best practice is to post a CW answer summarizing the answer from the comments. In this case, ...
5 votes

Criterion for homotopy pullback square of simplicial categories

Yes. In fact such a square can be replaced with a weakly equivalent Reedy fibrant pullback square without changing the object set of any of the simplicial categories. For a proof see, e.g., Lemma 3.1....
Yonatan Harpaz's user avatar
4 votes

Proof that a quasicategory is equivalent to the homotopy coherent nerve of a simplicial category

The result is actually valid for any simplicial set. Lemma. If is a Quillen equivalence, then the composition $$A\xrightarrow{\eta_A}G(F(A))\xrightarrow{G\left(P_{F(A)}\right)}G(P(F(A)))$$ is a weak ...
4 votes

Proof that a quasicategory is equivalent to the homotopy coherent nerve of a simplicial category

Let $\mathbf{C}$ be a quasicategory. Using a version of the Yoneda lemma for quasicategories, Joyal constructs, in Section 15.3 of his Notes on Quasi-Categories, a simplicial category $\overline{\...
Emily's user avatar
  • 11.8k
4 votes

Understanding two proofs in Dwyer and Kan article "Simplicial Localizations"

It's not so bad to prove 4.2 directly in terms of generators and relations. Dwyer and Kan define $LC = F_\ast C [F_\ast W^{-1}]$ where $F_n$ is the $(n+1)$st iteration of the free category comonad. So ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
  • 63.9k
4 votes

Locally minimal simplicial categories

It's not possible in general to ensure that all the hom-spaces in a simplicial category are minimally fibrant. Here's a counterexample inspired by Isbell. Consider $Set$ with its cartesian monoidal ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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4 votes

Simplicial models for fibrations between mapping spaces

Yes, these agree. The usual model structures on $C = sSet$ and on $C = Top$ are both cartesian monoidal. So the functor $[-,X] : C^{op} \to C$ is a right Quillen functor when $X$ is fibrant (where $[-...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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4 votes

Homotopy coherent space maps induces homotopy coherent chain complex morphisms

Be careful with this "simplicial structure on chain complexes". It's not really well-defined, as discussed in the comments below my answer here. Also see my remark at the end of this post. ...
Maxime Ramzi's user avatar
  • 15.8k
4 votes

Defining homotopy via the “doubling” endofunctor of a simplicial category

Once we correct the definition of $[×2]$ to make it a functor (currently it does not preserve identities) by setting $f'=f⊔f$, it is true that the construction described in the main post gives rise to ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
3 votes

Homotopy coherent nerve versus simplicial nerve

Both $\def\W{{\bar W}}\W$ and $\def\N{\mathfrak{N}}\N$ are right Quillen functors from the model category of simplicial groups to the model category of reduced simplicial sets (see the original paper ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
3 votes

Is the projective model structure simplicial?

The general case is noted in A.3.3.4 in Higher topos theory. Actually it's quite easy to prove, using the characterization of simplicial model categories in terms of powers (cotensors), since the ...
Mike Shulman's user avatar
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3 votes

Symetrical simplex category

You haven't specified what the morphisms in your "symmetric simplex category" are supposed to be, and there are two natural choices: Functors, or Natural isomorphism classes of functors. In the ...
Tobias Fritz's user avatar
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3 votes

Kan complexes and semigroups

(2) is true (and so (1) is false). To see it, note that every horn $\Lambda^n_i\to S$ to a constant simplicial set must be constant, and so it can be filled by the constant horn $\Delta^n\to S$. ...
Denis Nardin's user avatar
  • 16.5k
3 votes

Defining homotopy via endofunctors of a simplicial category

There is a problem with base points in your claim. If $X$ is discrete, then ${\rm sing} X_\bullet$ and ${\rm sing} X_\bullet \circ [+1]$ are the same, so every map from ${\rm sing} F_\bullet$ factors ...
John Rognes's user avatar
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3 votes

Hammock localization and free adjoints

A connection between Dwyer–Kan hammock localizations and adjoints in 2-categories certainly exists. As already mentioned in the comments, as early as 2002, Dawson–Paré–Pronk in “Adjoining adjoints” ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
3 votes

Simplicial objects in quasicategory which come from homotopy coherent nerve

It is easy to construct counterexamples already for the full subcategory $\{[0],[1]\}⊂Δ$. The category $\cal C$ can be constructed by applying the nerve functor to hom-objects of a category $D$ ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
2 votes

Does $\mathbf{Top}$ admit a simplicial structure

Yes, it does, if by Top you mean compactly generated spaces (as Dylan pointed out). Then, the internal hom is a space (with the compact-open topology), and its kification is a k-space satisfying hom-...
David White's user avatar
  • 30.3k
2 votes

Cofibrant simplicial categories

Simplicial categories $[n]$ are indeed cofibrant. The Simplicial category $\mathfrak{C}\Delta^n$ is also cofibrant and weakly equivalent to $[n]$, so the former is a cofibrant replacement of the ...
Valery Isaev's user avatar
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2 votes

Non-enriched Bousfield localizations

This is not a full answer, but too long for a comment. Here's a relevant paper. Mazel-Gee proves the folklore claim that a Quillen adjunction induces an adjunction on underlying $\infty$-categories ...
Maxime Ramzi's user avatar
  • 15.8k
2 votes

Are hammock localizations locally truncated?

Your calculation is correct. For every two objects $X, Y \in \mathcal{C}$, the hom space $L^H\mathcal{C}(X,Y)$ has the right lifting property against $\partial \Delta^n \to \Delta^n$ for $n \geq 3$. ...
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar

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