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21 votes

Fully extended TQFT and lattice models

It may take a bit of extraction, but positive answers to both of your questions follow from my results joint with Gaiotto in Condensations in higher categories (arXiv:1905.09566). In that paper we ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
10 votes

Lagrangian of Reshetikhin-Turaev TFT's

I don't think there's a way to extract a Lagrangian from the Reshetikhin-Turaev construction. There's certainly not a unique way to do so. Physicists believe that most QFTs are "non-Lagrangian,&...
Arun Debray's user avatar
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9 votes

Lagrangian of Reshetikhin-Turaev TFT's

It's an open conjecture by Moore and Seiberg (originally in the context of conformal field theory) that every MTC can be obtained from Chern-Simons theory of simple Lie groups with known constructions....
Meng Cheng's user avatar
8 votes

Are there (non Lagrangian) algebras of Turaev-Viro TQFTs which cannot be completed to Lagrangian algebras?

This is never possible. Indeed, if $A\in Z(\mathcal{C})$ is a condensable (connected, separable, commutative) algebra, then the condensed theory is $Z(\mathcal{C})_A^{\operatorname{loc}}$, which is ...
Dave Penneys's user avatar
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6 votes

quantum invariants, ribbon Tannakian duality and classification of ribbon Hopf algebras

Q1 asks two very different questions: the answer to the first one is definitely not, and the answer to the second one is almost. Let me start with the second one. First of all, to handle infinite ...
Adrien's user avatar
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