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20 votes

Is there any reason to use paracontrolled calculus over regularity structures?

I don't think that the reason given in the paper by Bailleul and Bernicot is a good one. Basically, they treat an example which is simple enough so that it is still manageable to describe the various ...
Martin Hairer's user avatar
6 votes

Truncated fixed point and regularity structures

Before I try to answer the broader question let me try to clear up a potential confusion. The truncations that appear at the level of modelled distributions don't really change the distribution they ...
Rhys Steele's user avatar
2 votes

How to compare pathwise convergence and convergence in probability

As I did not get any reply, I am trying to verify my understanding. This is related to convergence of SDE/PSDE through Ito type calculous and rough path or regularity structure. Any comments would be ...
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1 vote

Do regularity structures involve infinite "Taylor" series?

So one good start is "Rough Stochastic PDEs". Here Hairer builds a notion of an SPDE solution using rough paths first building the invariant solution $\psi_{t}(x)$ and lifting to a rough ...
Thomas Kojar's user avatar
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1 vote

When and why do we require the condition that :"a subset bounded from below and has no accumulation points?"

From the references mentioned in the comments , (section 4.4,"Renormalisation of parabolic stochastic PDEs") (RP) and (section 6.1,"Introduction to regularity structures") (IRS), ...
Thomas Kojar's user avatar
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1 vote

Why does the correct scaled dimension for SPDEs count time as two dimensions?

the links on the video and notes are not there. But indeed as they explain in "Stochastic PDEs, Regularity Structures, and Interacting Particle Systems" at page 13, the main reason is that ...
Thomas Kojar's user avatar
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