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9 votes

Surjectivity of the Abel-Prym map

First of all, note that your definition is not correct: when $d$ is odd, the image of your map does not land in the Prym variety -- you have to add a constant term. When this is done, the answer is ...
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4 votes

Elements of order two in a Prym variety

It is always surjective (regardless of the genus of $Y_0$). The point is that the kernel $K$ of $1-\sigma :J_1\rightarrow P$ is connected — it is equal to the image of the pull back map $J_0\...
abx's user avatar
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3 votes

Fiber of the Prym map in dim 2

The fibres of the extended Prym map $\overline{P} \colon \overline{\mathcal{R}}_3 \to \mathcal{A}_2$ are studied in detail in the paper Verra, Alessandro: The Fibre of the Prym Map in Genus Three, ...
Francesco Polizzi's user avatar

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