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11 votes

Napkin Folding Problem / Rumpled Ruble Problem

I think you will find this discussion of the napkin folding problem instructive: Chapter 5 of Lectures on piecewise distance preserving maps. The problem involves "Origami moves", meaning folding and ...
Carlo Beenakker's user avatar
6 votes

Can every smooth space curve be realized as an origami curved crease?

Note: I'm revising my answer to make the argument/construction more transparent. In the previous version, I stated an existence result about flat surfaces, but didn't indicate a proof (because, at ...
Robert Bryant's user avatar
2 votes

Folding a non-rectangular shape into a rectangle of uniform thickness

I also have no solution for $n=3$, but I have solutions for every $n > 3$. The constructions are sketched below, for each of them we fold along all grid lines; folding along the red lines first has ...
Florian Lehner's user avatar
1 vote

Solution for the sequence of the number of "major flaps" in origami bases and its relation to other sequences

What's up, Subhasish! (I'm actually the friend Subhasish mentioned to @AmirSagiv) To start off with, the first couple terms of the sequence I found with my solution were: $1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 13, 25, 41, ...
Shawnak Deb's user avatar

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