Napkin Folding Problem / Rumpled Ruble Problem
I think you will find this discussion of the napkin folding problem instructive: Chapter 5 of Lectures on piecewise distance preserving maps. The problem involves "Origami moves", meaning folding and ...
Can every smooth space curve be realized as an origami curved crease?
Note: I'm revising my answer to make the argument/construction more transparent. In the previous version, I stated an existence result about flat surfaces, but didn't indicate a proof (because, at ...
Folding a non-rectangular shape into a rectangle of uniform thickness
I also have no solution for $n=3$, but I have solutions for every $n > 3$. The constructions are sketched below, for each of them we fold along all grid lines; folding along the red lines first has ...
Solution for the sequence of the number of "major flaps" in origami bases and its relation to other sequences
What's up, Subhasish! (I'm actually the friend Subhasish mentioned to @AmirSagiv)
To start off with, the first couple terms of the sequence I found with my solution were: $1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 13, 25, 41, ...
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origami-folding × 9mg.metric-geometry × 8
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