21 votes

Brute force open problems in graph theory

The existence of a 57-regular "Moore graph" is one such problem. We define the diameter of a graph $G$ to be the least $l$ such that any two vertices $u,v$ have a path between them using $\...
16 votes

Is there any progress toward solving Gilbreath's conjecture?

There is some theoretical progress towards the conjecture in Chase, Zachary, A random analogue of Gilbreath’s conjecture, ZBL07808058. If one models the prime gaps $p_{n+1}-p_n$ (beyond the first gap ...
Terry Tao's user avatar
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16 votes

Brute force open problems in graph theory

Elaborating on the comment of Wojowu, for what positive integers $q$ does there exist a bipartite graph $G$ with vertex bipartition $(A,B)$ satisfying: (a) $|A|=|B|=q^2+q+1$, (b) $G$ is regular of ...
12 votes

Brute force open problems in graph theory

Question: Does $K_{50}$ decompose into seven copies of the Hoffman-Singleton graph? The following is copied from https://faculty.math.illinois.edu/~west/openp/hoffsing.html Definitions: The Hoffman-...
11 votes

How to tackle the smooth Poincaré conjecture

Fastforward $11+\frac12$ years, I thought I'd mention that I tried to do what my original post suggested, which is when I started my PhD and then when I completed my thesis it naturally spawned this ...
Chris Gerig's user avatar
  • 17.2k
9 votes

5n+1 sequence starting at 7

As far as I understand it, under the current state of things we cannot prove that any orbit of 5k+1 diverges. In fact, as far as I'm aware we cannot even prove that there exists an odd $a>1$ such ...
JoshuaZ's user avatar
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8 votes

Does there exist a comprehensive compilation of Erdos's open problems?

Recently, Thomas Bloom created a website dedicated exactly to this: https://www.erdosproblems.com/ It currently lists 214 problems, both open and closed. They are all tagged and some problems carry ...
Ofir Gorodetsky's user avatar
6 votes

Open problems which might benefit from computational experiments

DeepMind recently announced that their FunSearch methodology was successful at advancing the state of the art of the cap set problem and the online bin packing problem. Under the hood, the code used ...
6 votes

Open problems which might benefit from computational experiments

I have mentioned before the possibility of automated search for bijective proofs. At the time I asked the question, I was imagining a general tool that researchers could apply to any problem of ...
6 votes

Open problems which might benefit from computational experiments

Maybe this can be considered a minor open problem, but you can try to take a look at this Question. Furthermore, in Section 4 of this preprint of mine Preprint with the general conjecture, I added my ...
5 votes

Integer-distance sets

There has been recent progress concerning finitary integer distance sets in the plane. Greenfeld, Iliopoulou, and Peluse prove that if $P\subset [-N,N]^2$ is an integer distance set not contained ...
Zach Hunter's user avatar
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5 votes

On the number of complete Boolean algebras

The answer is that there are still $2^\kappa$ many isomorphism types of complete Boolean algebras of power $\kappa$. This is proved by Shelah, see Building complicated index models and Boolean ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
5 votes

Open problems which might benefit from computational experiments

This answer is similar in style to Marco Ripa's concerning a specific preprint. In this preprint by me and Tim McCormack, Weighted Versions of the Arithmetic-Mean-Geometric Mean Inequality and Zaremba'...
4 votes

No starter "accessible" well known open problems

Since I think the question has a reasonable interpretation, let me get the ball rolling with an open problem where I am not aware of any partial progress or proposals for a proof/counterexample. OPEN ...
4 votes

A more complete set of open problems

While looking for sets of open problems, I came across this site for The Association for Mathematical Research. I don’t know much about the organization, but apparently they have a page with sets of ...
Aidan W. Murphy's user avatar
4 votes

Goldbach conjecture reformulation

$K$ exists with the required property if and only if the Goldbach conjecture is false. Assume first that $K$ has the property in the original post. Then $K\geq 6$, and for every prime $q\in[K/2,K]$, ...
GH from MO's user avatar
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4 votes

On the number of values with exactly $k$ prime factors of a given polynomial

It is well-known from sieve theory, in fact such a result can be obtained even if one just uses Brun's original combinatorial sieve, that for any irreducible $f \in \mathbb{Z}[x]$ of degree $d$ that ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
4 votes

Important open problems that have already been reduced to a finite but infeasible amount of computation

Is there always a prime in the interval $(x^3,(x+1)^3]$ for every natural number $x\geq 2$? Equivalently the interval may be changed to $[x^3,(x+1)^3]$. Assuming the Riemann hypothesis, this is ...
4 votes

3-piece dissection of square to equilateral triangle?

In the paper, "Dissection with the Fewest Pieces is Hard, Even to Approximate" (arXiv, doi) by Bosboom et al., they write: We have known for centuries how to dissect any polygon $P$ into ...
Timothy Chow's user avatar
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4 votes

Books/blogs/websites that have open problems in Algebraic geometry

This book has a "motivating statement" that resonates with the OP: Open Problems in Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry (2019) This book originated in the idea that open problems act as ...
3 votes

PhD dissertations that solve an established open problem

Robin Moser in his PhD thesis found a constructive proof for the Lovasz Local Lemma, a problem that was essentially open for decades. This earned him a Godel Prize.
3 votes

Open problems with monetary rewards

The website multimagie.com run by Christian Boyer offers prizes on multiple seemingly elementary problems on magic squares. See the page enigmas for the full list. I believe the oldest (with a €100 ...
2 votes

Open problems with monetary rewards

$$50000 - each year around the New Year - there is a challenge on combinatorial optimization problems on Kaggle. For example ongoing (December 2023 - January 2024: "Santa 2023 - The Polytope ...
2 votes

Convex hull in CAT(0)

There is a counterexample if instead of the CAT(0) condition a weaker notion of non-positive curvature is considered. A bicombing on a metric space distinguishes for each pair of points a geodesic ...
Giuliano Basso's user avatar
2 votes

Open problem: $\log n$ factor in Binomial empirical process

See the preprint by Moïse Blanchard and Václav Voráček, titled "Tight Bounds for Local Glivenko-Cantelli", available here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.01896 . It clearly explains their ...
Aryeh Kontorovich's user avatar
2 votes

Brute force open problems in graph theory

There was a question on the math stack exchange a few days ago which essentially asks: Given a number of edges and vertices, which graph has the maximal number of Hamiltonian paths and how many are ...
1 vote

Could I possibly exploit distinct odd primes raised to 6 to solve Exact Three Cover, when reducing it in Subset Sum?

Going by your notation, $c \in C$, $c=(x_1, x_2, x_3), x_i \in S \simeq \{1, \cdots , N \}$, and $\phi(c) \to \mathbb N$ the map you mentioned, $(\alpha_1,\cdots, \alpha_3) \mapsto \sum_i p_{\alpha_i}...
Snared's user avatar
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1 vote

5n+1 sequence starting at 7

I can't prove that an orbit diverges, but we would expect there to be many because the average growth factor is $\frac{1}{2}(\frac{5}{2})^{2-1} = 1.25>1$. This in contrast to the normal function ...
Brady Gilg's user avatar
1 vote

What is the definition of the function T used in Atiyah's attempted proof of the Riemann Hypothesis?

In his article "The Fine Structure Constant", Atiyah says the following about T on page 6: For the case of inverse-integer weights, Hirzebruch formalized the notion of exponential maps and ...
Riemann's user avatar
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1 vote

Does pi contain 1000 consecutive zeroes (in base 10)?

Assuming that $\pi$ is a normal number, such a string should exist infinitely many times. However, under the normality assumption, decimal digits asymptotically follow an independent discrete uniform ...
G. Melfi's user avatar
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