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9 votes

Hyperbolic groups and spaces of negative curvature

As already mentioned in the comments, it is still unknown whether hyperbolic groups are CAT(-1) or even CAT(0). A related question is: Let $G$ be a hyperbolic group (endowed with a finite generated ...
AGenevois's user avatar
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Birman-Series for variable negative curvature

Here is another argument which reduces the general result to the constant curvature case: For any negatively curved metric $g$ on $S$, the set of geodesics of the universal cover $\tilde{S}$ is ...
Nicolast's user avatar
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Riemannian metric on the sphere with at least one negative sectional curvature at every point

Kazhymurat's answer is definitely correct -- every sphere has such a metric. But, much more explicitly, if your sphere is odd-dimensional, then there are even homogeneous metrics (called Berger ...
Renato G. Bettiol's user avatar
4 votes

Birman-Series for variable negative curvature

Yes, Birman-Series is true in variable negative curvature. Here is a sketch. Suppose that $S$ is a closed, connected, oriented surface of genus $g > 1$. Fix a metric $g$ of variable negative ...
Sam Nead's user avatar
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Examples of product negatively curved Riemannian manifolds

To expand on my second comment: Consider the warped product $T^n\!\times_{e^t}\!\mathbb R$, where $T^n$ is the Riemannian product of $n$ circles. The warped product is a complete Riemannian manifold ...
Igor Belegradek's user avatar
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Isometries of manifolds with non-positive sectional curvature

Bochner's theorem extends to nonpositive Ricci to give: If $(M,g)$ is compact and has $\textrm{Ric}\leq 0$ then any Killing vector $X$ is parallel and $\textrm{Ric}(X,X) = 0$. See Petersen (3rd ed) ...
Otis Chodosh's user avatar
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Tzitzeica surface

The answer is 'no'. Suppose that $M\subset\mathbb{E}^3$ is a smooth connected surface. If the ratio of the Gauss curvature $K$ and $p^4$ is constant (where $p(x)$ is the distance from $T_xM$ to the ...
Robert Bryant's user avatar
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Elliptic equations in asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds

The definite reference for this is the monograph by John Lee "Fredholm operators and Einstein metrics on conformally compact manifolds", Mem. Am. Math. Soc. Series Profile 864, 83 p. (2006), ...
Romain Gicquaud's user avatar
3 votes

Convex hull of a connected subset on a complete surface of non-positive curvature

Yes, it is true. First note that $S$ is CAT[0] space. This can be proved along the same lines as in "The intrinsic geometry of a Jordan domain" by Richard Bishop (you may also check the proof of ...
Anton Petrunin's user avatar
3 votes

Ergodicity of geodesic flow in negative curvatutre as a possible obstruction for consideration of limit cycles as closed geodesics(4)

The geodesic flow on (possibly noncompact) hyperbolic surfaces of finite type is ergodic. The original reference for this is E. Hopf: „Fuchsian groups and ergodic theory“ Trans. AMS 39, 299-314 (1936)....
ThiKu's user avatar
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1 vote

Is this $a(p)=\lim_{r\to \infty} \frac{VolS(p,r)}{e^{h r}}$ exists and applied for manifolds with positive curvature?

When $M$ has positive curvature, the limit should always be 0. Indeed if $M$ has non-negative Ricci curvature, Bishop-Gromov tells you that $\frac{Vol S(p, r)}{n\omega_nr^{n-1}}\leq 1$, so the volumes ...
freidtchy's user avatar
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Riemannian Manifolds of Bounded Curvature

Sorry, (since I got this theorem myself and found out after that it is Ambrose-Singer) I mistaken exercise 4 in doCarmo p.105 for it. The proof looks like this: let $D$ be the image of a unit square ...
valeri's user avatar
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