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10 votes

Hilbert 16th problem via hyperbolic geometry

This story is somewhat reminiscent of a (probably apocryphal) story of somebody writing a telegram to a mathematical research institute (Steklov Institute in Moscow, if I remember it correctly): "...
Misha's user avatar
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10 votes

A cubic system with two nested limit cycles with opposite orientations

It is not hard to concoct such an example in sufficiently high degree. For an example of degree $5$, take $$ \begin{align} x' &= x\,(1-x^2-y^2)(x^2+y^2-3) - y\,(2-x^2-y^2)\\ y' &= y\,(1-x^2-y^...
Robert Bryant's user avatar
9 votes

Updated background on Hilbert 16th problem?

An update from April 2018 is given by Patrick Speissegger. The idea, going back to Poincaré, is to reduce the two-dimensional counting problem (counting limit cycles in the plane) to a one-...
Carlo Beenakker's user avatar
8 votes

The error in Petrovski and Landis' proof of the 16th Hilbert problem

• Q1 (the first yellow boxed question in the OP): The current status of the "persistence problem" has been discussed by Ilyashenko in Complex length and persistence of limit cycles in a ...
Carlo Beenakker's user avatar
6 votes

What is the current status on methods to find limit cycles?

There are many principles to show the existence of periodic orbits in high- and infinite-dimensional systems, in particular, there are generalizations of the Poincaré-Bendixson theorem. I mention here ...
demolishka's user avatar
4 votes

Can a harmonic vector field possess a limit cycle?

Consider the infinite strip, $[0,1]\times\mathbb{R}$ with $[0,y]$ identified with $[1,y]$ for all $y\in\mathbb{R}$, and with the Riemannian metric $g=dxdx+dydy$. Consider $X=\partial_x +f(y)\partial_y$...
user119324's user avatar
3 votes

What is the current status on methods to find limit cycles?

This contains the question of the existence of periodic orbits (ot periodic solutions) in dynamical systems, a very wide question indeed. In dimensions >=3 it is much more complicated than in ...
Gael Meigniez's user avatar
3 votes

Polynomial vector field tangent to a given analytic simple closed curve

The answer is "no". In fact, it is still "no" for germs of curves : generically, a germ of an analytic curve $\gamma : (\mathbb R,0)\rightarrow (\mathbb R^2,0)$ is not tangent to any polynomial vector ...
Loïc Teyssier's user avatar
3 votes

Polynomial vector field tangent to a given analytic simple closed curve

I see this as very unlikely. A polynomial vector field would have a slope function that is a rational function of two variables with a finite number of coefficients. As a consequence, if you take ...
Lev Borisov's user avatar
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2 votes

The number of limit cycles of a quadratic vector field with a unique singularity

This survey seems to indicate that the answer is $1.$
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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2 votes

The adjoint operators as elliptic operators

Consider the special case $M=\mathbb R^2$ and $X\equiv(1,0)$. Now, given any vector field $Y$ in terms of component functions as $Y(x_1,x_2)=(y_1(x_1,x_2),y_2(x_1,x_2))$, a simple calculation gives $$ ...
Joonas Ilmavirta's user avatar
2 votes

Integral Separation of disjoint submanifolds of $\mathbb{R}^n$

In order for integration of differential forms to make sense, we need $M_1,\dotsc,M_k$ to be oriented. Let $\omega_i\in\Omega^m(M_i)$ be such that $\int_{M_i}\omega_i = 1$. Since $M_1,\dotsc,M_k$ are ...
Arun Debray's user avatar
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2 votes

A complex limit cycle not intersecting the real plane

A revision: Novembre 2020 I am realy indebted to Loic Teyssier for his $2$ very valuable comments and suggestions. I summarize his comments as follows: To have a hyperbolic complex limit cycle ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
2 votes

Canard limit cycle for certain singularly perturbed system (Is there a contradictory situation?)

The figures 3.2 and 3.3 in Eckhaus's 1983 paper refer to the degenerate case that the function $f(x)$ in the differential equations $$\begin{cases} x'=y-f(x)\\ y'=\epsilon(a-x) \end{cases} $$ is ...
Carlo Beenakker's user avatar
2 votes

A special kind of pseudo-garden eden states in cellular automata

Your definition is not very clear to me, but I'll try my best. Let $O \subset \{0, 1\}^*$ be the set of words (considered cyclic for the purpose of CA application) which lie on a limit cycle. Let $A \...
Ville Salo's user avatar
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2 votes

Mysteries of Wolfram's rule 18

Hopefully I guessed correctly that your two $1$s are next to each other, and your initial pattern is $110^{k-2}$ (considered periodically). I'll do the "kink-elimination", to reduce the ...
Ville Salo's user avatar
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2 votes

Asymptotic behavior of system of differential equations

Preliminary remark. I am not certain whether Bendixon-Dulac grants the global attractiveness of the equilibria. However, via sheer leveraging on the (strict) monotonicity of $g$ and symmetry of the ...
Augusto Santos's user avatar
2 votes

Asymptotic behavior of system of differential equations

The Bendixson–Dulac theorem is usually stated as you say, but in fact can be proven for arbitrary simply-connected regions (and generalized versions of it also hold for multiply-connected regions). ...
Alessandro Della Corte's user avatar
1 vote

On proving the absence of limit cycles in a dynamical system

$$ \dot{X} = \dot{M} = \frac{1}{1+(E_0 + Y)^m } -a(M_0 +X) = $$ $$ \frac{1}{1+E_0^m + mE_0^{m-1} Y + O(Y^2) } -aM_0 -aX = $$ $$ \frac{1}{1+E_0^m} \left( 1-\frac{mE_0^{m-1} }{1+E_0^m } Y + O(Y^2) \...
Michael Engelhardt's user avatar
1 vote

Keeping track of limit cycles via certain second order differential operator

I believe the answer is yes. Let $X$ be the vector field $2x \partial_y - y \partial_x$. The level sets of $y^2 + 2x^2$ are orbits of $X$, they have the shape of ellipses. It is easy to compute $D(...
Willie Wong's user avatar
1 vote

A complex limit cycle not intersecting the real plane(2)

This note contains an affirmative answer to the question
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
1 vote

Is this Riccati equation ("Josephson junction") always phase-locked at integer rotation numbers?

The answer to your question is YES, and you can look up the proof in our article with A. Klimenko for example. The key idea is to mix monotonicity with Moebius ...
Olga's user avatar
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1 vote

The adjoint operators as elliptic operators

Any Lie bracket structure that is a first order differential operator is, by bilinearity and skew-symmetry, of the form $$ \mathrm{ad}_X Y = A^{kp}_{ij}(X^i\partial_pY^j- Y^i\partial_pX^j)e_k, $$ ...
Deane Yang's user avatar
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Fredholm index vs. Limit cycle theory

The linearization of the vector field $X$ at the singular point zero is $$DX|_0 = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1\\ -1 & 0\end{pmatrix},$$ the eigenvalues of which are $$ \lambda_{1, 2} = \frac{1}{2} \...
Matthias Ludewig's user avatar

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