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2 votes

Is it possible to express $\int_{0+\epsilon}^{1-\epsilon}\left(\sqrt{1-x^2}^{\sqrt{1-x^2}^{\cdots}}\right) dx$ in elementary functions?

I think this is $$ -\int_{0+\epsilon}^{1-\epsilon} {\frac {2\;{\rm W} \left(-\frac12\,\ln \left( 1-{x }^{2} \right) \right)}{\ln \left( 1-{x}^{2} \right) }}\,{\rm d}x $$ not elementary.
Gerald Edgar's user avatar
  • 41.1k
1 vote

Time ordered integral involving beta function:

I presume with "the case $n=2$" you mean the integral $$\beta_2(n,m,p,q)=\int _0^1\int _0^t(1-t)^m t^n s^p (1-s)^qdsdt=\frac{m!(n+p+1)!}{(p+1) (m+n+p+2)!}\,\, _3F_2(p+1,n+p+2,-q;p+2,m+n+p+3;1)$$ which ...
Carlo Beenakker's user avatar

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