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16 votes

Is this entire function a square?

$f$ is an entire function of exponential type (that is, $|f(z)|\lesssim e^{C|z|}$), and this implies that there are other zeros, in addition to $z=0$: if not, then its Hadmard factorization would be ...
Christian Remling's user avatar
10 votes

Kahler version of Darboux's Theorem

Let $(M,g,J)$ be a Kahler manifold. This means that $J$ is a (integrable) complex structure, so that $(M,J)$ is a complex manifold, $g$ is a smooth metric such that $J$ is $g$-orthogonal, i.e. $g(JX,...
Malkoun's user avatar
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8 votes

When does a holomorphic symplectic manifold compactify to a Poisson manifold?

No, not even under the nicest possible algebraicity assumptions like quasiprojective. Let $Z$ be the product of two curves of genus $\geq 2$. Choose a nonzero $2$-form $\omega$ on $Z$, the wedge of a ...
Will Sawin's user avatar
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6 votes

Equivariant quantum cohomology of conical symplectic resolutions

First of all, I don't understand why you say that there are no holomorphic curves - a typical example of such a space is $T^*{\mathbb C}{\mathbb P}^1$ and it perfectly has non-trivial holomoprhic ...
Alexander Braverman's user avatar
5 votes

The singularties of the dicriminant loci of the Lagrangian fibration

I am afraid not. As it is usual for discriminants, the singularities are rather complicated. Take for instance a K3 surface $S\subset \mathbb{P}^g$, with Picard group generated by $\mathcal{O}_S(1)$. ...
abx's user avatar
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5 votes

Finding the octonionic analog of the K3 surface, via (almost) hyperkahler geometry?

The following shows that such a manifold exists, but unfortunately it uses $bP_8 \cong \mathbb Z_{28}$. According to Corollary 5.5 of this article a highly connected $8$-manifold $M$ with $p_1(M)=0$ ...
Panagiotis Konstantis's user avatar
4 votes

Learning Quantum (Co)Homology and Landau Ginzburg Superpotential

You can find some very accessible discussion on quantum cohomology of toric (Fano) manifolds in On the quantum homology algebra of toric Fano manifolds by Ostrover & Tyomkin (and references ...
Yochay Jerby's user avatar
4 votes

Lagrangian cores of quiver variety in different GIT chambers

Any quiver variety where all the v_i are 1's is a hypertoric variety. They are determined combinatorially by an arrangement of affine hyperplanes and one can compute the core by looking at the compact ...
Justin Hilburn's user avatar
4 votes

Deligne Mumford Compactification of Moduli Space Of Annuli

The study of the Deligne-Mumford compactification of Riemann surfaces with boundary can be reduced to the study of the Deligne-Mumford compactification of closed Riemann surfaces together with the ...
user_1789's user avatar
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4 votes

Irreducibility of holomorphic symplectic quotients

Work of Gan and Ginzburg ( shows that one of our favorite examples, $M=T^*(\mathfrak{gl}_n\oplus \mathbb C^n)$ and $G=GL(n)$, has a 0 level of the moment map ...
Ben Webster's user avatar
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4 votes

Bubbling off of a pseudo holomorphic sphere on surface with cylindrical ends

It turns out that the Removable Singularities Theorem and the Monotonicity Lemma do not require compactness, but that the target manifold should have bounded geometry, such as in our case of inserting ...
Chris Gerig's user avatar
  • 17.5k
3 votes

Is this entire function a square?

If $f$ has a double zero at a point $z$ then not only $z=\sin z$ there but also the derivatives must be the same, so that $1=\cos z$ there. Then $\sin^2z = 1-\cos^2 z =0$ and therefore $z=\sin z=0$, ...
Mikhail Katz's user avatar
  • 16.6k
3 votes

Symplectic resolutions amongst cotangent bundles

I think @Joel is saying the following (this was too long for a comment, so I put it as an answer): Given a conical symplectic resolution $X\mathrel{:=}T^*M \rightarrow X^\text{aff}$ whose $\mathbb{C}^*...
Filip's user avatar
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3 votes

Two Lagrangian submanifolds with clean intersections

There is a spectral sequence from the cohomology of the intersection to the Floer cohomology. This is explained (and used) in Seidel's paper "Lagrangian 2-spheres can be symplectically knotted" https:...
Jonny Evans's user avatar
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3 votes

Why symplectic geometry gives Poisson geometry

Look up sub-Riemannian geometry. This is a quite developed theory now, but here the Riemannian metric is defined only along a subbundle of the tangent bundle which is assumed to be completely non-...
Peter Michor's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the relation between holomorphic blow-up and symplectic blow-up?

In the case when you are blowing up a smooth submanifold this actually coincides with the symplectic blow-up (with the symplectic form forgotten). For simplicity, let's take the submanifold to be a ...
YHBKJ's user avatar
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2 votes

Core components of quiver varieties as fiber bundles of flag varieties

There is an example of an irreducible component, which is a blowup of $\mathbb P^2$ at a point. See Example 18 in
Hiraku Nakajima's user avatar
2 votes

Symplectic resolutions amongst cotangent bundles

In A characterization of nilpotent orbit closures among symplectic singularities, Namikawa proved that a weight 1 conical symplectic singularity must be a nilpotent orbit closure. So I guess that this ...
Joel Kamnitzer's user avatar
1 vote

Visualising the moduli space of stable disks with interior marked point and 4 marked point on the boundary

A generalization of this moduli space was used by Costello, in the paper In his terminology, your space is $D_{0,1,4,1} = \overline{\mathcal N}_{0,1,4,1}$. The ...
Phil Tosteson's user avatar
1 vote

Rank 3 Lagrangian vector bundles on an elliptic curve

I think your guess is correct and one can proceed as follows (some details are missing though). Let $V$ be a six dimensional symplectic vector space and $F$ be a rank three-vector bundle on $E$ wiht ...
Libli's user avatar
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1 vote

Locally affine varieties and du Val singularities

A chapter of the unpublished PhD thesis of Rebecca Leng, a student of Miles Reid from about 2002, presents a careful study of a natural affine cover of the minimal resolution $Y={\rm GHilb}({\mathbb A^...
Balazs's user avatar
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1 vote

Disconnecting the Lagrangian Grassmannian

It looks as though $M_{K} := \Lambda(V) \setminus S_{K}$ is connected. Here is the way I can see it: First of all, we know that when $K$ is Lagrangian $M_{K}$ can be identified with $Sym^{2}(L^{\ast})$...
unknownymous's user avatar

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