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7 votes

From equivalent graphs to isomorphic one- Reconstruction Conjecture

The following counterexample, with two finite, connected graphs in which every tree occurs as a spanning tree with the same multiplicity but that are not isomorphic, is given in Sedláček - The ...
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Efficiently generating all regular/bidegreed graphs

Kim et al. in this paper proposed a construction method (not based on swaps) to build all simple graphs realizing a given degree sequence. It should work with regular or bidegreed graphs too. I don't ...
Alt-Tab's user avatar
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Efficiently generating all regular/bidegreed graphs

For regular graphs, one of the standard tools would be geng, a C program from the Nauty package. Source code is included so you can inspect the algorithm. It is pretty efficient, for example all 5-...
Jukka Kohonen's user avatar

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