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Physical intuition behind prequantization spaces

If you think instead of the prequantum line bundle (i.e. the complex line bundle associated to your prequantum circle bundle using the standard representation of the circle on $\mathbb{C}$) then the ...
Jonny Evans's user avatar
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7 votes

Fedosov vs. Kontsevich deformation quantization : a beginner survey

Fedosov's work seems to be also available with details in a book Deformation quantization and index theory. Are the two references overlapping ? Yes, indeed. The book contains strictly more than the ...
DamienC's user avatar
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3 votes

Hilbert module over $C_0(\Lambda)$ as space of continuous sections of HIlbert bundle

The reference I cited in my book is Fell and Doran, Representations of ${}^*$-Algebras, Locally Compact Groups, and Banach ${}^*$-Algebraic Bundles, vol. 1 (1988). Did you check there? I don't have a ...
Nik Weaver's user avatar
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2 votes

Does symplectic morphism after geometric quantization induce Hilbert spaces morphism?

The slogan to keep in mind is that "quantization is not a functor". For details on this slogan, see the (decade old!) Mathoverflow question What does “quantization is not a functor” really mean?. ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
1 vote

Inner product on global sections of positive line bundle

This is in general false, if I am not missing anything. Suppose you start from the form $\Omega_0$ given by the Chern connection on $O(1)$ with respect to the standard metric coming from $\mathbb{C}^...
user477295's user avatar
1 vote

On the existence and classification of prequantization spaces over a closed symplectic manifold

There exists an exact sequence $0\rightarrow \mathbb{Z}\rightarrow\mathbb{C}\rightarrow\mathbb{C}^*\rightarrow 1$ defined by the expontial map which induces an isomorphism $H^2(M,\mathbb{Z})\...
Tsemo Aristide's user avatar

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