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17 votes

What's the point of a point-free locale?

A good answer to both questions is provided by the following variant of the Gelfand duality for commutative von Neumann algebras, which shows that the following categories are equivalent: The ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
11 votes

Product of topological spaces and product of corresponding locales

Your map $f$ is known to be an injective dense localic map. See, for example, Proposition 4.2.2 in [1]. In general, it isn't an isomorphism. The reason for this is that $\Omega(X \times_t Y)$ is ...
Tomáš Jakl's user avatar
4 votes

Dissolution of a topos

I'm not aware of litterature on this, but this is something I have thought about several years ago and never ended-up using or publishing. What is below is me trying to remind myself how it works - ...
Simon Henry's user avatar
  • 42.4k
3 votes

Preimage of a sublocale by a morphism of locales: description by nucleus?

Here is I think a counter-example to the precise proposed formula in the question. Take $X= \mathbb{Q}$ with the discrete topology, with $Y = \mathbb{R}$ withe its usual topoly and the map $f:X \to Y$ ...
Simon Henry's user avatar
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1 vote

"Locally compact"-ly generated topological spaces

If $X$ is locally compactly generated then $X$ is compactly generated because every locally compact space is compactly generated. So given $f:X \to Y$ a map such that $f\circ i$ is continuous for ...
Simon Henry's user avatar
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1 vote

What is the power of the “anti-halting” oracle?

The set $K_1 := \bigcap_{B\subseteq\mathbb{N}} (H_1(B) \Rrightarrow B)$ is inhabited, that is, the “anti-halting oracle” is trivial, i.e., can be simulated with a Turing machine (consequently, as ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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1 vote

Computing the Heyting operation on the frame of nuclei

First, every nucleus is the join of those of the form $j^x\land j_y$. Namely, $$ j=\bigvee_xj^x\land j_{jx} $$ Hm, this is too confusing. Let me change notation and write: $u_a$ instead of $j^a$; $v_a$...
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