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9 votes

Is there a notion of projective dg category?

If $X$ is a smooth projective threefold with a flopping curve $C$ then typically the variety $Y$ obtained from $X$ by a flop in $C$ is not projective, but smooth, proper, and derived equivalent to $X$....
Sasha's user avatar
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8 votes

Why Faonte called "small" and "big" dg-nerves?

He uses big and small because the one he calls small is smaller! Trying things out with a dg-category (rather than the more complicated A-infinity structure), the big one goes via the simplicially ...
Tim Porter's user avatar
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8 votes

Derived categories of smooth proper varieties?

The study of derived categories is a special case of the more general study of semiorthogonal components of derived categories. By Chow lemma for any proper variety $X$ there is a blow up $\pi \colon ...
Sasha's user avatar
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6 votes

Is every dg-coalgebra the colimit of its finite dimensional dg-subcoalgebras?

For coassociative dg-coalgebras over any field $k$ the answer is positive, because: Let $C$ be a $\mathbb Z$-graded coalgebra and $D\subset C$ a finite-dimensional ungraded subcoalgebra (of the ...
Leonid Positselski's user avatar
6 votes

How to stop worrying about enriched categories?

Have a look around on my n-Lab 'home page': and go down to the `resources'. There are various quite old sets of notes that look at simplicially enriched ...
5 votes

Is the tensor product of pretriangulated dg-categories a pretriangulated dg-category?

Assume that every dg-category is over a field $k$. My guess is that there is a natural (I believe fully faithful) dg-functor \begin{equation} \Phi \colon \mathrm{Perf}(A) \otimes \mathrm{Perf}(B) \to \...
Francesco Genovese's user avatar
5 votes

Is every dg-coalgebra the colimit of its finite dimensional dg-subcoalgebras?

Yes. The category of $\mathbb{Z}$-coalgebras is locally presentable, and objects are filtered colimits of finite dimensional subobjects. See the appendix to Coalgebraic models for combinatorial model ...
David White's user avatar
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4 votes

Functorial cones

The cone construction can be written down very explicitly, just following the definition of mapping cone of chain complexes. Good sources are in my opinion: ...
Francesco Genovese's user avatar
3 votes

Perfect DG modules

Well by definition a DG module $X$ is perfect iff it is a direct summand of a module which is a finite iterated extension of free modules (it's then a nontrivial result that this property is the same ...
Dmitry Vaintrob's user avatar
2 votes

Deriving the functor $ \int_{\Gamma} F(-,-)$

We eventually found a solution which solved the original issue, though not in the way it is exactly stated here. Namely, we found what would appear to be the most general way that ends can be derived. ...
Gaussler's user avatar
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2 votes

DG natural transformation Serre functors

It is possible to lift $\alpha \otimes \mathrm{id}$ to a dg-enhancement, one way is the following. Just to fix notation, this natural transformation is induced from $$ \alpha \colon \mathcal{O}_X \to ...
A. Hochenegger's user avatar
2 votes

Functorial cones

A proof in the context of model categories can be found in Proposition 6.3.5 of Hovey's book Model Categories. You could easily rewrite the proof to work in the context of dg-categories, where it is ...
David White's user avatar
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2 votes

Morphisms on fibre products

This is not true. For example take $F_1 = \bigoplus_{n \in \mathbf{N}} \mathcal{O}_X$, $F_2 = \mathcal{O}_X$, $G_1 = \bigoplus_{m \in \mathbf{N}} \mathcal{O}_Y$ and $G_2 = \mathcal{O}_Y$. Moreover, ...
Johan's user avatar
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2 votes

Intuition for points of the moduli of objects for a dg-category

[It would be good to mention the original paper of Toën-Vaquié where these moduli spaces of objects are defined, and maybe that of Lowrey for the ``coherent" ...
David Ben-Zvi's user avatar
2 votes

homotopy limits of dg categories

I'm sorry this answer is not on time. Actually for cosimplicial diagrams of dg-categories, which is mostly common in algebraic geometry, the homotopy limit is given by the dg-category of twisted ...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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1 vote

Colimits of DG-categories and functors between them

The answer to (2) is yes, by a nice result of Gaitsgory plus an easy categorical argument. To spell it out, the situation of the OP is the following, where functors going down are $ev_i$ and functors ...
David White's user avatar
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1 vote

Are dg-modules over a cofibrant dg-category cofibrant?

My question is: suppose that C is a cofibrant dg-category. Then are either of Ĉ or dgMod_C^op cofibrant dg-categories? A cofibrant object in a cofibrantly generated model category (such as dgCat) is ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
1 vote

Definition of gluing of dg categories

This gluing can be viewed as a dg-category of "generalized morphisms". If you take $\mathcal D_1 = \mathcal D_2 = \mathcal D$ and $N$ to be the diagonal bimodule, then what you get is the dg-category ...
Francesco Genovese's user avatar
1 vote

$k$-linear $\infty$ stable categories and dg categories

For a dg-category $\mathcal C$, being flat means that all enriched Hom's are flat (as k-modules). In other words, for every two objects $a,b$, one requires that the functor $\mathcal C(x,y)\otimes-$ ...
DamienC's user avatar
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$k$-linear $\infty$ stable categories and dg categories

The derived tensor product of dg-categories was explored by Toën, see his article The homotopy theory of dg-categories and derived Morita theory, in particular, Section 4, where Toën explains how to ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
1 vote

How to show mapping cones are homotopy cofibers

A very short answer would be as follows. What you define to be $\mathrm{Cone}(f)$ lies in a triangle in $\mathcal C$: \begin{equation} C \xrightarrow{f} D \to \mathrm{Cone}(f), \end{equation} ...
Francesco Genovese's user avatar
1 vote

Reference request: category of sheaves of O-modules with coherent cohomology

As mentioned in the comments, I think SGA 6 is one of the original references for this. More specifically: [SGA 6, II, Corollaire] If $X$ is a Noetherian scheme, then the canonical fully ...
Tim's user avatar
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1 vote

Deriving the functor $ \int_{\Gamma} F(-,-)$

The answer is no in this generality, but I do not know what happens specifically for ${\bf dgCat}$ and ${\bf dgFun}$. For convenience, let me construct a counter-example to the dual of your question, ...
Yonatan Harpaz's user avatar
1 vote

Deriving the functor $ \int_{\Gamma} F(-,-)$

A long comment. The way you state the question currently mixes the abstract notion of derived functor (has nothing to do with fibrant replacements), and the notion of a co/fibrant replacement. I am ...
Edouard's user avatar
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Could $RHom(A,-)$ distinguish non-quasi-equivalent dg-categories?

Actually the hom-set $[B,C]$ between two dg-categories in $\mathrm{Hqe}$ is described as \begin{equation} [B,C] \cong \mathrm{Iso}(H^0(RHom(B,C))),\end{equation} so if $RHom(A,B) \cong RHom(A,C)$ in $...
Francesco Genovese's user avatar

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