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5 votes

Generation of strict contraction semigroups

Your conditions is for contraction semigroups equivalent to have uniform exponential stability, i.e., to have growth bound less than zero, see Proposition V.1.7. in Engel, Klaus-Jochen; Nagel, Rainer, ...
András Bátkai's user avatar
3 votes

Gradient flows: convex potential vs. contractive flow?

It should be noticed that already on $R^d$ equipped with a non-Euclidean norm $\|.\|$ the answer to your question is no. Ohta-Sturm [1] proved the following: let $\lambda\in R$ and consider the ...
Nicola Gigli's user avatar
3 votes

Gradient flows: convex potential vs. contractive flow?

Doesn't this follow from dependence on initial data? Consider the flow mapping $\Phi(t,X)$ which solves $$ \frac{d}{dt}\Phi(t,X) = - \nabla V(\Phi(t,X)) $$ so taking the derivative in $X$ we have ...
Willie Wong's user avatar
2 votes

Small contraction for Hyperkähler Varieties

Let $f:X\to Y$ be a birational contraction where $X$ is hyperkähler, then $K_X\sim 0$ and $K_Y=f_*K_X\sim 0$, and hence $K_X=f^*K_Y$. In particular, this means that $Y$ has canonical singularities. ...
Chen Jiang's user avatar
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1 vote

Is this a contraction mapping for small $T$?

$\newcommand{\ep}{\varepsilon}\newcommand{\de}{\delta}\newcommand{\De}{\Delta}\newcommand\R{\mathbb R}$Edit: This answer is insufficient, even though (almost) all the reasoning appears relevant to the ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
1 vote

Set operations over iterated function systems

If $F = f_1, \ldots, f_n$ is an IFS, then the attractor of any subset of F is a subset of the attractor of F. This is readily seen through coding points in the attractor (see Barnsley's book for the ...
Dev Sinha's user avatar
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1 vote

Small contraction for Hyperkähler Varieties

Another way to see it is the following. Let $f\colon X\to Y$ be any birational contraction from a projective hyperkähler manifold $X$ onto a normal projective variety $Y$. The exceptional locus of $f$ ...
klerk's user avatar
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