17 votes

differential equation of conics

I didn't see this question when it originally appeared, but an edit today brought it to the front page of "new questions" where I saw it. Back around 2005 or 2006 I came across this ...
Dave L Renfro's user avatar
10 votes

A problem of four conics

This is a consequence of the Double Contact Theorem. If $S_1$, $S_2$, and $S_3$ are three conics having the property that there is a point $X$, not on any of the conics, lying on a common chord of ...
brainjam's user avatar
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7 votes

Definition of a Discriminant in Three Variables

Given $n$ homogeneous polynomials $F_i(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ in $n$ variables with respective degrees $d_i$, there is a unique polynomial ${\rm Res}(F_1,\ldots,F_n)$ in the coefficients of the $F_i$ called ...
Abdelmalek Abdesselam's user avatar
7 votes

Geometric construction of the fourth intersection points of two conics

Based on the "Intersection de deux coniques" section of this French language page, the crux of the construction is this: let two conics intersect in $A,B,C,D$. let any line through $A$ ...
brainjam's user avatar
  • 660
6 votes

Are there any non-elementary functions that are computable?

Obviously the perimeter of an ellipse is a computable function of the parameters (e.g. semi-major and semi-minor axes). What it means for this to be computable is precisely that we can compute ...
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
6 votes

A question on motivic zeta-function

$S^nC$ will equal $\mathbb P^n$ for $n$ even and a Severi-Brauer variety with the same Brauer class as $C$ for $n$ odd. In the $n$ odd case, its class in the Grothendieck group will be $[C] ( 1+ L^2 + ...
Will Sawin's user avatar
  • 137k
5 votes

When do two lines and three points determine exactly two conics? Exactly four?

In general there will be four solutions, possibly complex. In Conic by three points and two tangent lines I've asked for ways to compute these, and based on a comment there found a way which is in my ...
MvG's user avatar
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5 votes

Reference request on a characterization of ellipses

Yes, this characterization is a theorem proven by Blaschke in "Kreis und Kugel" (1916). The theorem has a higher dimensional version, characterizing ellipsoids as the unique strongly convex ...
Gjergji Zaimi's user avatar
5 votes

Does anyone know of an academic reference for this proof that the tangent to a hyperbola at a point bisects the angle between each focus to the point?

This is the "reflection property" of the hyperbola. In the context of "academic references", it is good practice to cite the original source, which is • Apollonius of Perga, 200 ...
Carlo Beenakker's user avatar
4 votes

Inscribed $n$-gons of maximum perimeter for an ellipse

Consider allowing one vertex $B$ to vary on your curve, with neighbouring vertices $A$ and $C$ fixed. You want $B$ to be the point on the curve between $A$ and $C$ that maximizes total distance from $...
Robert Israel's user avatar
3 votes

On conics curves and increasing unions of ellipses

Here is a proof of this fact. Suppose by contradiction there is such a family of ellipses. Each of them is given by an inequality $P_n(x,y)\le 0$, where $P_n$ is a degree two polynomial, $P_n=Q_n+L_n+...
Dmitri Panov's user avatar
  • 28.8k
3 votes

Six conelliptic points

Note that there exists a triangle $\tilde{F}\tilde{D}\tilde{E}$ with side lengths $\tilde{F}\tilde{D}=\sqrt{FD}$, $\tilde{E}\tilde{D}=\sqrt{ED}$, $\tilde{F}\tilde{E}=\sqrt{FE}$. Make an affine ...
Fedor Petrov's user avatar
3 votes

Equal products of triangle areas

I am using the following fact given a triangle $ABC$ its area is equal to $\frac{1}{2}AB.BC.\text{sin}(\hat{ABC})$. Now use this formula for the both hand sides. First of all note that the fact that $...
user127776's user avatar
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3 votes

Is the smallest root of this quartic always the closest point on the Hyperbola?

No. E.g., take $a=4$ and $b=27/8$. Then the positive roots of $g$ are $x_1\approx0.338$, $x_2\approx0.826$, $x_3\approx3.78$, and $f(x_1)\approx13.6$ and $f(x_3)\approx9.72$, so that $x_1$ is not a ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
3 votes

On maximum perimeter triangles inscribed in convex regions with one vertex fixed

The maximal variation is $4/3$, achieved by the convex region which is a $5-5-6$ triangle. In that region, inscribed triangles have perimeter of at most $16$, and inscribed triangles with a vertex at ...
Ilya Bogdanov's user avatar
3 votes

Is it a new method to construction of a conic, how can prove?

Without loss of generality, let $L_1$ be the x-axis and $t$ be a parameter. Denote $C,D,E,F$ by $$C(x_1,y_1),D(x_2,y_2),E(t,0),F(t+a,b)$$ such that the vector $<a,b>$ is in the same direction as ...
Cherng-tiao Perng's user avatar
3 votes

Cone-Torus intersection in 3D

The following paper shows how to compute the minimum distance between a canal surface, e.g., a torus, and a "simple surface," e.g, a cone. She reduces the computation to finding the roots of a ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
3 votes

differential equation of conics

I think your original 5th order differential equation and the 5th order differential equation in the references cited by Dave Renfro can be partially understood without calculation. What matters is ...
Jimmy Mathews's user avatar
3 votes

In the classical construction of conic sections, where does the axis of the cone intersect the plane?

This question and accepted answer are almost ten years old, but in case anybody stumbles upon this question, here's some more information on the topic. (For cone terminology and background, see ...
brainjam's user avatar
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3 votes

A chain of six circles associated with a conic

Since $С_1$, $C_2$, and your conic $\alpha$ pass through $A_2$ and $B_2$ we get that $A_1B_1$ and $A_3B_3$ are parallel (it calls three conic theorem http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ThreeConicsTheorem....
Arseniy Akopyan's user avatar
2 votes

differential equation of conics

Let me try to give a semi-conceptual answer, which is still not free of some computations. It is inspired by beautiful book "Projective Differential Geometry Old and New: From the Schwarzian ...
Daniil Rudenko's user avatar
2 votes

approaches to Apollonius circle problems

Perhaps you are looking for a Steiner chain?                     (Images (above & below) from Wikipedia.)          
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
2 votes

Conics, string art, and Bezier-like curves

Here I show how the description given by bubba connects the parabolic case to the hyperbolic case. Consider the three triples in $\mathbf{R}^3$: $$ (x_0, y_0, z_0), (x_0^+, y_0^+, 1), (x_0^-, y_0^-, ...
Willie Wong's user avatar
  • 37.6k
2 votes

Conics, string art, and Bezier-like curves

You could do the usual string-art construction in 3D (giving a 3D parabola), and then do a central projection $(x,y,z) \mapsto (x/z,y/z,1)$ down onto the plane $z=1$. This will give you any conic ...
bubba's user avatar
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2 votes

Reconstructing an ellipse from an arc, synthetically

Five points in general position lie on a unique conic. With the help of Pascal's theorem one can construct arbitrarily many points on the same conic. EDIT. Answering the question about construction of ...
Ivan Izmestiev's user avatar
1 vote

Smallest 3-ellipses that contain triangles

My answer here may help, especially the citation to Nie, Jiawang, Pablo A. Parrilo, and Bernd Sturmfels. "Semidefinite representation of the $k$-ellipse." In Algorithms in Algebraic ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
1 vote

Thirteen-point conic and four-point line, are they new?

There is a systematic method to solve problems of this sort (the $p,q$ method) by reducing them to computations which can be done by hand. Assume the vertices are $(0,0), (1,0), (p,q)$. The three new ...
burlington's user avatar
1 vote

On conics curves and increasing unions of ellipses

Thanks, that's great. Let me write my comment as an answer since I have only 5 minutes to write down a comment, which is a bit short. Some minor remarks on your two last paragraphs. Let's call $\...
Bazin's user avatar
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