13 votes

Differential characters, Chern-Simons forms, and differential cohomology

The simple beginning of this story is that the curvature of a $\mathrm{U}(1)$ connection does not tell you the bundle it's a connection on — not even up to isomorphism. Differential cohomology ...
John Baez's user avatar
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11 votes

Importance of the principal bundle in Chern-Simons theory

In quantum Chern-Simons theory with gauge group $G$ (compact Lie), a field on a 3-manifold $M$ is a principal $G$-bundle with a connection $A$. The partition function/path integral associated to $M$ ...
skd's user avatar
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9 votes

Formula for the anomalies of spin Chern-Simons theories?

This is not a direct answer to your question, but I think it's relevant. One way of thinking about the anomaly for ordinary (oriented) Chern-Simons theories is that it's the evaluation of the ...
Kevin Walker's user avatar
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8 votes

The existence of the extension of a non-trivial line bundle

This is a bordism problem, and as such can be answered using algebraic topology. I'll answer in the unoriented setting, then indicate how to modify things if $M$ and $W$ are required to be oriented. ...
Mark Grant's user avatar
7 votes

Defining extended TQFTs *with point, line, surface, … operators*

Yes there's a very natural way to incorporate defects of arbitrary dimension into the formalism of extended topological field theory, and this is a vital part of the structure of TQFT. For example in ...
David Ben-Zvi's user avatar
6 votes

Value of the Chern-Simons functional for flat connections on $S^3/\Gamma$

For $G=SU(N)$, there is a paper SU(n)–Chern–Simons invariants of Seifert fibered 3–manifolds (Int. J. Math., 09, 295-330 (1998))
mizuki's user avatar
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6 votes

Is there a volume conjecture for closed 3-manifolds?

There's another volume conjecture formulated by Chen and Yang for Turaev-Viro invariants of closed manifolds. They present some evidence for the conjecture in the paper. In a second paper, Yang and ...
Ian Agol's user avatar
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6 votes

How do I calculate the modular fusion category from a given Lie algebra and level in Chern-Simons theory?

I stumbled over this older question. I actually wrote a program, that takes the type of algebra (A,B,...,G), the rank, level, and appropriate root of unity as an input. It uses the associated quantum ...
eddy ardonne's user avatar
6 votes

The Precise Meaning of the Moduli Space of Flat Connections?

Let $P \to M$ be a principal $G$-bundle. The moduli space of flat connections on $P$ is, by definition, the space $\mathcal{M} = \mathcal{C}_0 / \mathcal{G}$, where $\mathcal{C}_0$ denotes the ...
Tobias Diez's user avatar
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5 votes

How is Chern-Simons theory related to Floer homology?

I'm far from an expert, and I apologize if this is too basic / philosophical / vague. In instanton Floer homology, the functional $CS(A)$ plays the role of the potential energy function for a $4$d ...
user1023981's user avatar
5 votes

Gauge invariance of Chern-Simons functional integral for a 3-manifold with boundary

It's not necessary to consider only gauge transformations that are constant on the boundary. However, you won't get that the CS invariant is well-defined, even modulo integers (which is what I ...
Danny Ruberman's user avatar
5 votes

Define the 3d Chern-Simons TQFT on a discrete simplicial complex

This question has partial answers in Lattice Gauge Theory. In general, the Abelian theory is pretty well under control and the non-Abelian theory is wide open. I wrote a fair bit about the ...
user1504's user avatar
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5 votes

Define the 3d Chern-Simons TQFT on a discrete simplicial complex

For compact $U^k(1)$ Abelian group, we recently have a paper https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.08270 to define its Chern-Simons theory on spacetime discrete simplicial complex. The quantized coefficient of ...
Xiao-Gang Wen's user avatar
5 votes

How do I calculate the modular fusion category from a given Lie algebra and level in Chern-Simons theory?

There are two constructions of the modular fusion category. The conformal field theory approach is to take representations of the affine Kac-Moody algebra of given level and define a tensor product. ...
Bruce Westbury's user avatar
5 votes

Formula for the anomalies of spin Chern-Simons theories?

The anomaly theory (at least for the non-super level) is described in this paper: Freed, Daniel S.; Hopkins, Michael J.; Lurie, Jacob; Teleman, Constantin, Topological quantum field theories from ...
Konrad Waldorf's user avatar
4 votes

Explicit examples of Classical, Flat $U(2)$-connections on a torus link complement with non-trivial holonomy

For torus knots, all of the representations into $SU(2)$ were rather explicitly worked out by Eric Klassen (Representations of knot groups in $SU(2)$. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 326 (1991), no. 2, 795–...
Danny Ruberman's user avatar
4 votes

Can the Chern-Simons invariant of a cusped hyperbolic $3$-manfiold be defined mod $\mathbb Z$?

Remark 7.2 in Christian's paper suggests that for the choice of a lift of the discrete-faithful $PSL_2(\mathbb{C})$ representation to $SL_2(\mathbb{C})$, there ought to be a lift of the Chern-Simons ...
Ian Agol's user avatar
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4 votes

Ground State Degeneracy of 2+1D U(1) Chern Simons Theory?

The Abeian Chern-Simons theory you write down, can be written in a very generic form with a symmetric bilinear integer matrix $K_{IJ}$ with a path integral (or partition function): $$ Z=\int DA \exp[i ...
wonderich's user avatar
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4 votes

Chern-Simons forms, characteristic numbers, and boundary terms?

You might have heard the following. I am actually referring to the second meaning of Chern-Simons classes $\tilde p(\nabla^0,\nabla^1)\in\Omega^\bullet(M)$ satisfying $d\tilde p(\nabla^0,\nabla^1)=p((\...
Sebastian Goette's user avatar
3 votes

Value of the Chern-Simons functional for flat connections on $S^3/\Gamma$

For $G = SU(2)$ and the representation given by including $\Gamma$, the value of the Chern-Simons invariant is computed by Millson (Examples of nonvanishing Chern-Simons invariants, J. Differential ...
Danny Ruberman's user avatar
3 votes

Why is the Chern Number Invariant under A Continuously Shrinking of the Structure Group?

I don't quite understand the quantization part of the question. However, the characteristic numbers are always given by pairing products of the (characteristic) cohomology classes with the ...
John Klein's user avatar
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2 votes

The exterior derivative of a certain differential form on the space of connections of a surface

For simplicity, suppose $V$ is just a vector space (finite-dimensional, if you like). Let $\omega\in\Lambda^2 V^\vee$ (you start with a symmetric bilinear form, but combining it with the antisymmetric ...
Bertram Arnold's user avatar
2 votes

4-dimensional TQFT with/without requiring spin structure

One of the most famous 4d TQFTs is the Crane-Yetter TQFT, or its Hamiltonian lattice formulation, the Walker-Wang model. See my question How are the Walker-Wang TQFT and the Crane-Yetter TQFT related?....
Manuel Bärenz's user avatar
2 votes

Is there a combinatorial way to determine the coefficients of the universal finite-type invariant on a given knot?

First of all, however your universal finite type invariant $Z$ is given the question of computing the coefficient of a given diagram is somewhat ill-defined, since those diagrams are not linearly ...
Adrien's user avatar
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1 vote

Derive how the level quantization for 3d quantum Chern-Simons theory path integrals?

Our recent paper https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.02613 provides an answer. It reveals that how quantization of chiral central charge and Hall conductance depend on the groundstate degeneracy on Riemannian ...
Xiao-Gang Wen's user avatar
1 vote

2-bridge knots in the Rolfsen's table

Rolfsen's diagrams of 2-bridge knots are easy to see (from Conway's tangle notation(. I had no problem listing them first in my 1974 table of 10-crossing knots, although those diagrams were Tait's. ...
user43408's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a general dilogarithm formula for the Cheeger–Chern–Simons class?

As noted in the comments, a paper [1] of Garoufalidis, D. Thurston, and Zickert answers this question for $\operatorname{SL}_n(\mathbb{C})$. [1] Garoufalidis, Stavros; Thurston, Dylan P.; Zickert, ...
Calvin McPhail-Snyder's user avatar

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