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Theory and applications of probability and stochastic processes: e.g. central limit theorems, large deviations, stochastic differential equations, models from statistical mechanics, queuing theory.

10 votes

Expected value of determinant of simple infinite random matrix

I agree with user39115! I will give a heuristic from random matrix theory because we know the global behaviour of the eigenvalue. First $$A=p 1 +\sqrt{N(p-p^2)}\frac{B}{\sqrt{N}} $$ where $1$ is the …
RaphaelB4's user avatar
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9 votes

Conceptual explanation for the appearance of entropy in $\frac{d}{dp}\|x\|_p$

As Von Neumann said "Nobody really know what entropy is." so it is quite difficult to give a conceptual reason. However I think your calculation appears and can be interpreted in the statistical-mecha …
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8 votes

Annihilating random walkers

With a "physicist approach", I would write down the following equation for $f(x,t)$ that should represent the "density" of walker around $x$ at time $t$: $$\partial_t f =\Delta f -\alpha f^2 +\delta_0 …
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7 votes
1 answer

Regularity for the sum of iid random variables

Let $(X_i)_{i\in \mathbb{N}}$ iid random variables such that there exists $\alpha>0$ where $\mathbb{P}\left(X_1\in [x,x+1]\right)\leq \alpha$ for all $x\in \mathbb{R}$. Assume $\alpha$ small enough, …
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6 votes

What is the probability distribution of the $k$th largest coordinate chosen over a simplex?

As proposed before, we can write $x_i$ as $$x_i=\frac{b_i}{b_1+\cdots+b_n} $$ where $b_i$ are independent exponential variable with parameter one. Let $y_i=e^{-b_i}$ then $y_i$ are iid uniform rand …
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4 votes

Convexity of spectral radius of Markov operators, Random walks on non-amenable groups

I have the following counter example: Let $I=Z_2\times G$ with $G$ a free groupe of rank $d$ and we will take $d$ large. $P_1$ is as follow $$P_1 \begin{cases}(1,w)\rightarrow (0,w):\forall w\in G, …
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4 votes

iid random operator and its spectrum

You should have a look on the book "Product of random matrices and application to Schrodinger operators" (Lacroix, Bougerol) or the paper of Le Page "Théorème …
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4 votes

Randomly picking $k$ members of $\{1,\ldots,n\}$

I think you should have already a good estimate just comparing with the classical coupon colector's problem (CCP). Let us consider the CCP and pick the numbers one by one. We define the following sto …
RaphaelB4's user avatar
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4 votes

Expected determinant of random symmetric matrix with different Gaussian distributions of the...

There is a similar question here : Expected value of determinant of simple infinite random matrix I rewrite the heuristique from the random matrix theory: $$A=p^2 1 + (p-p^2)I_N+\sqrt{p^2(1-p^2)}\ti …
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4 votes

Large deviations for discrete uniform distribution

As Iosif Pinelis mentioned this is quite standard in large deviations theory so let me explain a bit the idea of the theorem he quote. Let $Y$ a random variable defined as $\mathbb{P}(Y=y)=\frac{1}{Z …
RaphaelB4's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

A stopping time that gives the metric

Let $\Omega$ a finite metric space with $\forall x,y,z\in \Omega:d(x,y)<d(x,z)+d(z,y)$. Does there exists a continuous-time Markov process $X$ on $\Omega$ such that $$\mathbb{E}_x(T_y)=d(x,y)$$ for al …
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3 votes

Central limit theorem for weak dependent bernoulli random variables

I agree with michael, you should have more hypothesis for the CLT and as he says, one have to check that $\sigma^2 \neq 0 $. Another problem is that small covariance doesn't imply that the system is c …
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3 votes

Gaps between roots of consecutive Hermite polynomials

The answers are yes and yes. Consider the Hermite Gauss functions : $\psi_n(x)=e^{-x^2/2}H_n(x) $, we have two properties: $$\psi_n''(x)+(2n+1-x^2)\psi_n(x)=0 $$ and $$\psi_{n+1}=\psi_n'(x) +x\psi_n …
RaphaelB4's user avatar
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3 votes

Slowest initial state for convergence of finite birth-and-death Markov chains

We denote $\mu = (\frac{1}{n},\cdots,\frac{1}{n})$. First remark : because the convexity of $\ell^1$, for any $t$ the maximum of $\|\exp(tL)\nu-\mu\|_{\ell^1}$ is obtain when $\nu = \delta_x$, $x\in \ …
RaphaelB4's user avatar
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3 votes

The mean of a running maximum

This seems to me a standard exercice in a probability course: Ignore the $1/(t+1)$ term as $X(t)\geq e^{-1}\exp(W(t)-t/2)$. The term $M_t:=\exp(W(t)-t/2)$ is well known to be a martingale so $\mathbb{ …
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