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Algebraic varieties, stacks, sheaves, schemes, moduli spaces, complex geometry, quantum cohomology.

6 votes
1 answer

Hopf algebroids without antipode

A cogroupoid object in $\mathsf{CAlg}_R$ is called a Hopf algebroid over $R$. How are cocategory objects in $\mathsf{CAlg}_R$ called? (Unfortunately, bialgebroid is already taken, which seems to mean …
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1 vote

Can $\mathcal O_X$ be recognized abstract-nonsensically?

There won't be any property which really distinguishes $\mathcal{O}_X$ inside $\mathsf{Mod}(X)$, since any invertible $\mathcal{O}_X$-module $\mathcal{L}$ induces an auto-equivalence of categories $\m …
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12 votes

Is $G$ always the automorphism group of the trivial $G$-torsor?

The two morphisms are no $G$-morphisms. An $R$-algebra homomorphism $f : R[x]/(x^2-1) \to R[x]/(x^2-1)$ commutes with the $G$-action if and only if the diagram $$\begin{array}{c} R[x]/(x^2-1) & \xrigh …
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8 votes

The philosophy behind local rings

As already mentioned in the comments, local rings are supposed to abstract the idea of germs of functions. One can make this precise as follows. A ring of germs is defined as a homomorphism $$\mathrm …
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3 votes

Is there a categorical notion of reduced commutative algebras?

One can use idals. The unit $1_{\mathcal{C}} \in \mathcal{C}$ is called reduced if for all idals $e : I \to 1_{\mathcal{C}}$ (i.e. morphisms $e$ satisfying $e \otimes I = I \otimes e$) with $e \otimes …
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4 votes
0 answers

Amalagamation of a sequence of closed immersions of schemes

Let $(X_n)_{n \geq 0}$ be a family of schemes. Let $$X_0 \to X_1 \to X_2 \to \dotsc$$ be a sequence of closed immersions (which therefore gives rise to an ind-scheme). Under which (necessarly and/or s …
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12 votes
1 answer

Is there a categorical notion of reduced commutative algebras?

A commutative ring $R$ is reduced if $r^2=0 \Rightarrow r=0$ holds for all $r \in R$. Commutative rings are precisely the commutative algebra objects in the symmetric monoidal category $(\mathsf{Ab},\ …
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12 votes

$\mathbb{G}_m$-torsors and line bundles

If $G$ is a commutative monoid (for your question we will want $G = \mathbb{Z}$), then $A[G]$-comodules identify with $G$-graded $A$-modules. A reference is Demazure, Gabriel, Introduction to Algebrai …
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2 votes
0 answers

Lifting a local section to a global section along a homomorphism of quasi-coherent sheaves

If $X$ is a scheme, is it always possible to find a basis $\mathcal{B}$ for the topology of $X$ (for example, the affine open subsets) with the following property? For every quasi-coherent sheaf $ …
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12 votes

Is the coordinate ring of a variety a finitely generated algebra?

Feed google with "variety whose ring of global sections is not finitely generated". One gets An example of a nice variety whose ring of global sections is not finitely generated by Ravi Vakil.
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10 votes
1 answer

Properties of the petit Zariski topos

What are some (intrinsically formulated) properties of the locally ringed topos $(\mathbf{Sh}(X),\mathcal{O}_X)$ for some scheme $X$, which do not hold for arbitrary locally ringed toposes? Is there, …
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12 votes

Smallness of the category of schemes of finite type

You can prove essential smallness of the category of finite type $S$-schemes (without further assumptions), where $S$ is any scheme, as follows: If $S$ is affine and we only consider affine finite t …
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6 votes

Morphisms of locally ringed spaces into affine schemes

Here is a sketch: Let $\alpha : R \to \Gamma(X,\mathcal{O}_X)$ be a ring homomorphism. We want to define a morphism $f:X \to \mathrm{Spec}(R)$ which is $\alpha$ on global sections. Let $x \in X$, and …
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23 votes
2 answers

Locales as geometric objects

There is the following analogy: $$\begin{array}{cc} \text{frames} & - & \text{commutative rings} \\ | && | \\\text{locales} & - & \text{affines schemes}\end{array}$$ Here, $\bigvee$ is analagous …
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6 votes

reduced ⊗ reduced = reduced; what about connected?

The answer to (2) is no. For example, for every prime $p$, $$\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{p}] \otimes_{\mathbb{Z}} \mathbb{F}_p = \mathbb{Z}[x]/(x^2-p) \otimes_{\mathbb{Z}} \mathbb{F}_p = \mathbb{F}_p[x]/(x^2)$$ …
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