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Approximation theory is concerned with how functions can best be approximated with simpler functions, and with quantitatively characterizing the errors introduced thereby.

4 votes

Minimax Approximation to Sine Function on interval [-K, K]

The rate of polynomial approximation $$E_{n}(f,\mathcal{K}):=\inf\{\max_{z\in \mathcal{K}}|f(z)-P_{n}(z)|,~\text{deg}~P_{n}\leq n\}$$ to an entire function $f$ on a compact set $\mathcal{K}$ of the c …
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2 votes

Minimum degree of a nonnegative polynomial uniformly approximating two constant values on tw...

First, let us ignore the nonnegativity constraint on the approximating polynomial. By linear transformation of the variable, one may suppose that $I_{0}=[-A,-1]$ and $I_{1}=[1,B]$ and by a linear tr …
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1 vote

An upper bound on Zolotarev numbers

T. Ganelius has shown inequalities of the type $$ Z_k(E,F)\leq const. e^{-k/C(E,F)},\qquad k=1,2,\ldots,\qquad (*) $$ under additional assumptions on $E$ and $F$, see [1] T. Ganelius, Some extremal f …
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4 votes

A bounded polynomial having bounded coefficients: several variables

Bounds in the univariate case, see e.g. here, were established by V.A. Markov in 1892. S.N. Bernstein has given an extension of the result to the multivariate case in S.N. Bernstein, On certai …
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2 votes

Pade approximation of a rational function

Mean square approximation of a continuous function by rational functions on an interval is studied in the monograph Walsh, J. L. Interpolation and approximation by rational functions in the comp …
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11 votes

approximating the $|x|$ function

Denote the minimal approximation error to the function $f(x)=|x|$ in the uniform norm on $[-1,1]$ by $$ E_{mn}(f,[-1,1])=\inf_{r\in\mathcal{R}_{mn}}\|f-r\|_{\infty,[-1,1]}, $$ where $\mathcal{R}_{mn} …
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2 votes

Approximation theory on the disc

If the main interest lies in numerical methods designed to compute specifically with functions defined on a disk, the following recent manuscript may be useful: …
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15 votes

Find the maximum of $|a_{p}|$, if $a_0+a_1x+\dots+a_nx^n:[-1,1]\mapsto [-1,1]$

Let $T_{n}(x)=\sum_{\nu=0}^{n}t_{n,\nu}x^{\nu}$ denote the Chebyshev polynomial (of the first kind) of degree $n$ and let $x_{n,\nu}=\cos\nu\pi/n$ for $0\leq\nu\leq n$. The answer follows from the f …
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1 vote

Divergence of the Lagrange interpolation on the Chebyshev nodes

Marcinkiewicz and Grûnwald (1936) have independently shown that there exists a function continuous on $[-1,1]$ such that its Lagrange interpolants on the Chebyshev nodes diverge at all points of $[-1, …
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0 votes

Chebyshev interpolation

Uniform approximation by polynomials on a finite set of points is studied in Section 1.3 of T.J. Rivlin, An introduction to the approximation of functions, Dover, 2003. An explicit solution to …
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2 votes

Extended Global approximation theorem

A standart assumption for the density of $C^{\infty}(\overline\Omega)$ in $W^{k,p}(\Omega)$ is that the domain $\Omega$ satisfies the segment condition, namely, for every point $x\in\partial\Omega$, t …
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4 votes

Rate of convergence of Padé approximants

1) No, in general, convergence does not hold because of the presence of spurious poles. A typical result, see [1], is Theorem. Let $(n_{\nu})_{1}^{\infty}$ be a sequence of positive integers satisfyi …
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2 votes

Rational approximation for continuous function on curve $\Gamma$

This is the main result in a paper by J.L. Walsh from 1927 (in german): J.L. Walsh, Über die Entwicklung einer Funktion einer komplexen Veränderlichen nach Polynomen. Math. Ann. 96 (1927), no. 1, 437– …
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4 votes

Padé multipoint approximants of the exponential function

Yes, indeed there is. Explicit expressions for multipoint Padé approximants to the exponential (and power) function at points $z=0,\ldots,m+n$, were given in A. Zhedanov, Explicit multipoint rati …
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1 vote

A min-max approximation

When $[a,b]=[-1,1]$, the $\inf$ on the right-hand side is attained (uniquely) by the monic Chebyshev polynomial $T_{n+1}$. It is well known that its roots belong to $[-1,1]$ and are simple. For a ge …
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