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Lie Groups are Groups that are additionally smooth manifolds such that the multiplication and the inverse maps are smooth.

10 votes

References on Lie groups and dynamical systems

The connections between Dynamics and Lie Groups (or Algebraic groups) comes mainly in two flavours: Smooth dynamics, like others have stated Hamiltonian dyanmics and differential equations. Applicati …
8 votes

Has dynamics on $G/\Gamma$ ever been used to prove interesting things about $\Gamma$?

There's a nice proof by Margulis showing that arithmetic subgroups are indeed lattices using the famous Dani-Margulis non-divergence theorem. Actually if you will investigate Ratner's original formula …
5 votes

Why limit of discrete series representation?

Here is the explanation I know, just for $SL_2$. The discrete series rep. have realizations in the Hardy spaces $H_n$ which have the norm - $$\|f\|_ n ^2 = n\int_{D}|f(z)|^2(1-|z|^{2})^{(n-1)}dxdy$$ …
Asaf's user avatar
  • 2,459
4 votes

A lattice in $ \operatorname{SL}_n $ is Ad-irreducible

Per the request to post it as an answer. Notice that the Ad representation is a polynomial representation into $\operatorname{GL}(\operatorname{Lie}(G))$. We do know that $\operatorname{Ad}(G)$ acts i …
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1 vote

The closure of the orbit of an irrational grid contains the fiber

First of all, $Y$ is not called the “grid space”. It is sometimes called the affine space and can be identified with a quotient of the affine group $\operatorname{ASL}_{n}$, namely the semi-direct pro …
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1 vote

Lattices in $p$-adic groups

Here's one example that I like. Consider $\Gamma = \{g \in SL_d\left[\sqrt{-m} / p\right] \mid g^t \cdot g^\sigma= I \}$, where $\sigma$ is the Galois conjugate. Then this is an arithmetic lattice in …
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0 votes

The Hausdorff codimension of singular matrices vs. the Hausdorff codimension of points with ...

It is evident that the singular vectors are defined as the ``$u_{A}$-part which is $g_{t}$ divergent in the future'', this gives $m\cdot n$ ($=\dim \left(u_{A}\right)$) minus the dimension of the sing …
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