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Theory and applications of probability and stochastic processes: e.g. central limit theorems, large deviations, stochastic differential equations, models from statistical mechanics, queuing theory.

2 votes

How to factorize the joint probability of an arbitrary graph whose nodes are random variables?

As I read it, Bishop is asserting that for each maximal clique $C$ we may define the potential as $\psi_C(x_C) = \prod_S U_S(x_S)$ where $S$ denotes cliques which are subsets of $C$ (and $U$ is the en …
R Hahn's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a problem with the Wishart distribution?

If you are interested in constructive distributions that you can simulate from (as opposed to something simpler with a known expression for the density) you have a lot of flexibility in constructing p …
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0 votes

A test for randomness of direction of vector data

Here is one approach to consider. Treating the data as points on the surface of the unit sphere, consider the collection of convex subsets on this surface that contain all of your observations. Then, …
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2 votes

Maximum entropy probability distribution with known quantile

The quantile alone is insufficient to define a maximum entropy density. Intuitively this is because the quantile is a single point and is not enough to prescribe an entire density; you must specify ad …
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1 vote

Estimating joint and conditional probabilities with incomplete information

This paper addresses a similar problem I think, although I believe they consider binary outcomes only: Ramsahai, R.R. (2007). Causal bounds and instruments. In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Confere …
R Hahn's user avatar
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0 votes

Estimating the mean of a truncated gaussian curve

Others have hit on this, but I thought I'd contribute how I'd write the problem down (briefly): Let $x_i \sim N(m, 1)$ for $i \in \lbrace 1, \dots, N\rbrace$ and define $y_i \equiv x_i$ if $x_i > 0 …
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2 votes

Why is Beta the maximum entropy distribution over Bernoulli's parameter?

I think there are two separate things going on here. One is the issue of a maximum entropy distribution. The other is of whether or not distributions are invariant under different parameterizations. …
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4 votes

Are all probabilities conditional probabilities?

It is possible to develop probability theory taking conditional probability as one of the basic definitions; see section 3.2 in this book and the references mention there. Renyi was one of the first …
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0 votes

An inequality on Difference of Entropies

EDIT: This is wrong -- careless mistake as noted in the comments. I thought I had deleted it, but here it still is. Working with the RHS of your inequality we have \begin{eqnarray}\sum_i (P_i - …
R Hahn's user avatar
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0 votes

Marginal density of uniform spherical distribution

I enjoyed thinking about these answers and this is my attempt to put them into (nonrigorous) geometrical terms. Writing the joint density compositionally as $$p(\mathbf{x}_k \mid |\mathbf{x}| = 1)p(\ …
R Hahn's user avatar
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3 votes

Geometric interpretation of the average of two independent Cauchy distributions

Maybe something like this will work. Consider $U_1$ and $U_2$ drawn uniformly at random on the unit circle. Because they are uniformly distributed, we may rotate the circle until $U_1$ is at the ``n …
R Hahn's user avatar
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1 vote

Gibbs sampler with linear constraints

I think the difficulty is worse than just finding the right algorithm. The first matter of business is deciding which conditional distribution you want to draw from, because they are non-unique. I'm …
R Hahn's user avatar
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6 votes

Why doesn't Stein effect happen for multinomial distributions?

This is not an answer, but maybe worth thinking about (and I cannot yet leave comments). My intuition about the Stein phenomenon is that while the individual coordinates of the Gaussian random variab …
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1 vote

Information criteria for ridge regression

The ridge estimator corresponds to the posterior mean under a Normal linear regression model with a conjugate Normal-inverse-gamma prior on the regression coefficients: $\beta \mid \sigma^2, \lambda …
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0 votes

Is there a name for "splitting a probability distribution into independent components"?

You can always write down the joint distribution compositionally. In terms of a density function: $$f(\theta_1, \dots, \theta_n) = f_1(\theta_1)f_2(\theta_2 \mid \theta_1)f_3(\theta_3 \mid \theta_1, \ …
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