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Commutative rings, modules, ideals, homological algebra, computational aspects, invariant theory, connections to algebraic geometry and combinatorics.

6 votes

Determining the kernel of the localization map when defining the localization by generators ...

Here is a proof that $$\ker \lambda = \{ a \in A \, \vert \, sa = 0 \text{ for some } s \in S\} \quad (LC_3)$$ holds true assuming that the following definition is in use: $$A[S^{-1}] = A[T_s \vert s …
Luc Guyot's user avatar
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3 votes

UFD free modules of rank 1

Let $A$ be an integral domain and let $N \subseteq M$ be two modules over $A$. The condition $S^{-1}N \cap M = N$ for $S = A \setminus \{0\}$ is equivalent to $N \cap aM = aN$ for every $a \in A$, pro …
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12 votes

Is the product of Jacobson rings a Jacobson ring?

The answer is no in general. Take $R = \prod_{n \in \mathbb{N}_{> 0}} \mathbb{Z}/2^n\mathbb{Z}$. Then the Jacobson radical of $R$ is $\prod_{n \in \mathbb{N}_{> 0}} 2\mathbb{Z}/2^n\mathbb{Z}$, and it …
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2 votes

What are the units in the ring of Laurent polynomials?

A structure theorem and a sketch proof are presented in Exercise 3.7 of The K-book: An introduction to algebraic K-theory (Graduate Studies in Mathematics 145) by Charles A. Weibel. I found this re …
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2 votes

Examples of integral ring extensions that $\operatorname{ht}P \lt \operatorname{ht}P\cap A$

As a complement to the minimal example of Matthé van der Lee, that is, an example for which $$1 = \operatorname{height}(\mathfrak{p}) > \operatorname{height}(P) = 0,$$ it is easy to check that Nagata' …
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11 votes

Why are finitely generated modules over principal artin local rings direct sums of cyclic mo...

The "local Artinian" assumption in OP's question can be removed as the following more general result holds (rings are supposed unital and commutative): If $M$ is a finitely generated module over a …
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2 votes

Invariant Factors of a product $AU$ with $U$ an invertible matrix

I'll assume that elementary row and column transformations have determinant one. Otherwise the question is trivial, as darij grinberg pointed out in his comment above. My answer expands on Mohan's com …
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5 votes

On the set of non-zero elements in an integral domain whose generating principal ideal is of...

The answer is yes if $R$ is any atomic domain, e.g., $R$ is a Noetherian domain. Claim 1. Let $R$ be any integral domain. The set $S = S_R$ is saturated in the sense that if $ab \in S_R$ for …
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1 vote

On multiplicative closedness of a special set of elements in integral domains

This is only half of an answer. Claim 2 below will establish that $i(D)$ is always saturated. Let us denote by $D^{\times}$ the unit group of $D$. We have $i(D) = D^{\times}$ for $D = k[x, y, z]$. In …
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2 votes

On elements of a domain which satisfy a condition of Kummer

This answer addresses the trivial part of the question, that is multiplicative stability, while providing non-trivial examples of saturated sets $k(R)$ under two rather restrictive conditions: $R$ is …
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7 votes

Minimal ideals of the ring of continuous functions

Let us first observe that an ideal $I$ of a commutative ring $R$ with identity is minimal in OP's sense if and only if $I$ is a non-zero simple module over $R$. From now on, we will favour this termin …
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5 votes

Kernel of evaluation map into field of quotients

The following claim characterizes circumstances under which $\ker(\text{eval}_q)$ for $q \in K = \text{Frac}(R)$ is a principal ideal of $R[X]$. In particular, this answers question $2$ in the positiv …
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4 votes

prime ideals minimal over a zerodivisor

For the first question, consider $R = \mathbb{Z}[X]/(X^3 - 1)$, $P = (x+ 1)$ and $a = (x + 1)(1 + x + x^2)$ where $x$ denotes the image of $X$ in $R$. In order to see that it provides us with a redu …
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3 votes

Generalised Chinese Reminder Theorem - How to compute the cokernel?

Let us first observe that $M \Doteq \text{coker}(\phi_n)$ is naturally an $R/\text{rad}(R)$-module with $$\text{rad}(R) \Doteq P_1 \cap \cdots \cap P_n.$$ So, there is no actual loss in generality if …
Luc Guyot's user avatar
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8 votes

$R$ a DVR with fraction field $K.$ What are the $R$-submodules of $K^n?$

Indeed, it seems that the situation gets nicer, but certainly not as nice as what I depicted in my first and very flawed answer. (See the remains below and the enlightening counter-example of Wilberd …
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