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Questions about the branch of algebra that deals with groups.

2 votes

Normal generators of finite index subgroups in a free group

The following nice argument, due to Alexander Olshanskii, shows that the answer to both questions is negative. It uses the theorem of Golod-Shafarevich (see for a surve …
11 votes

The Higman group II

I think that Higman's group H has plenty of such normal subgroups. Indeed, let G be the extension of H with the automorphism h. Then H has index 4 in G. By Schupp's theorem, H is SQ-universal, hence t …
Ashot Minasyan's user avatar
3 votes

Calculations with relation modules

Let $F$ be a finitely generated non-abelian free group with a non-trivial normal subgroup $R \lhd F$. Suppose that $G:=F/R$ is finitely presented. Then the group $F/R'$ is finitely presented if and on …
Ashot Minasyan's user avatar
6 votes

Exponent of a group

Well, any finitely generated group G of exponent 3 is finite by a classical theorem of Burnside. And since the order of every element is 3, the order of G must be a power of 3 by Cauchy's theorem. It …
Ashot Minasyan's user avatar
2 votes

Groups with trivial centralizer-connected component

A modification of Guntram's example could produce a countable group with the required property, which is not an FC-group. Let $G$ be the direct product of non-abelian symmetric groups $G=\times_{n\ge …
Ashot Minasyan's user avatar
10 votes

Groups with no bounds on the size of abelian subgroups without infinite ones

Yes, such groups exist. Consider the disjoint union of cyclic groups of odd order $\mathcal{C}:=\{ \mathbb{Z}/(2n+1)\mathbb{Z} \mid n \in \mathbb{N} \}$. By a theorem of A. Ol'shanskii (see Thm 35. …
Ashot Minasyan's user avatar
17 votes

Is $G=\left<b_1, b_2, b_3 | [b_i^p, b_j^p]=1, \forall i,j=1,2,3\right>$ large?

The group $G$ maps onto the free product $C_p*C_p*C_p$ of three cyclic groups of order $p$ (just send each $b_i^p$ to $1$). This free product is virtually free, as a free product of finite groups (by …
Ashot Minasyan's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

Conjugacy problem in a conjugacy separable group

Here is a question that has been bothering me for some time: Let G be a finitely generated conjugacy separable group with solvable word problem. Does it follow that the conjugacy problem in G is solv …
Ashot Minasyan's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Normal generators of finite index subgroups in a free group

Let $F=F(a,b)$ be the free group of rank $2$. Question 1: Given any positive integer $d$, can one always find elements $u_j,v_j,w_j \in F$, $j=1,\dots,d$, such that if $1 \le j <k \le d$ then the no …
Ashot Minasyan's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Residually nilpotent vs residually p

A well-known theorem of Gruenberg implies that a finitely generated residually torsion-free nilpotent group is residually $p$-finite for all primes $p$. What about the converse? Question: Are there a …
Ashot Minasyan's user avatar
14 votes

Residually nilpotent vs residually p

Browsing through the archive of solved problems of Kourovka Notebook, I accidentally saw that the same question was asked by Yu.V. Kuz'min in 1999 (see question 14.52). Apparently the required exampl …
Ashot Minasyan's user avatar
4 votes

Amalgamation of finitely generated finite exponent groups

It's not hard to construct counter-examples for large exponents. Consider the following two automorphisms $\xi, \eta$ of the free group $F=F(x,y)$ of rank $2$, defined by $$\xi(x)=y,~\xi(y)=x \text{ a …
Ashot Minasyan's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Does every f.g. group have a minimal presentation?

Call a group presentation $\langle X \,\|\,R \rangle$ minimal if no relator from $R$ is a consequence of the remaining relators, i.e., no $r \in R$ belongs to the normal closure of $R\setminus \{r\}$ …
Ashot Minasyan's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Automorphisms of virtually abelian groups

Let $G$ be a finitely generated virtually abelian group (i.e., $G$ contains $\mathbb{Z}^n$ with finite index for some $n\ge 2$). Is there anything known about the outer automorphism group $Out(G)$? …
Ashot Minasyan's user avatar
15 votes

Burnside problem for hyperbolic groups?

A. Yu. Olshanskii in the paper "Periodic quotient groups of hyperbolic groups." ((Russian) Mat. Sb. 182 (1991), no. 4, 543--567; translation in Math. USSR-Sb. 72 (1992), no. 2, 519–541) proved that fo …
Ashot Minasyan's user avatar

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