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(Co)chain complexes, abelian Categories, (pre)sheaves, (co)homology in various (possibly highly generalized) settings, spectra, derived functors, resolutions, spectral sequences, homotopy categories. Chain complexes in an abelian category form the heart of homological algebra.

6 votes

Free Objects in Functor Categories

I think Qiaochu's answer is really the best way of thinking about it, but here's an alternative approach. Let $H$ be the direct sum of all representable functors in $[C,Ab]$. Then $H$ is a projectiv …
Eric Wofsey's user avatar
  • 31.2k
3 votes

Standard homology result on bicomplexes

This is Proposition 3.9 in Osborne's Basic Homological Algebra. I expect you could also find it somewhere in pretty much any homological algebra text, though it might be mentioned in passing rather t …
Eric Wofsey's user avatar
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3 votes

Projective resolutions of torsion modules

No. In fact, this is as far from true as possible: a finitely generated $\mathbb{Z}/l^n\mathbb{Z}$-module has a finite free resolution iff it is free. To see this, note that a finitely generated $\m …
Eric Wofsey's user avatar
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21 votes

Are subfunctors of left exact functors also left exact?

Here's a counterexample with additive functors on abelian categories. If $A$ is an abelian group, let $F(A)$ denote the subgroup of elements that are divisible by $2$. It is easy to see that $F:Ab\t …
Eric Wofsey's user avatar
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4 votes

Is the minimal Serre subcategory containing a set also a set?

Not in general, even if by "small" you mean "essentially small" (i.e., there is a small set of isomorphism classes of objects). First of all, it is possible for a single object to have a proper class …
Eric Wofsey's user avatar
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4 votes

A lost lemma about periodicity in a grid of long exact sequences?

This has a simple interpretation in terms of spectral sequences. Think of the top left 2x2 square of the original square as a triple complex. Call the 3 dimensions $x$ (horizontal), $y$ (vertical), …
Eric Wofsey's user avatar
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5 votes

Model category structures on categories of complexes in abelian categories

I don't know the "standard" answer, but the exact same construction should work for any abelian category with a small projective generator, where "small" means that any map into a sufficiently large w …
Eric Wofsey's user avatar
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43 votes

Why does non-abelian group cohomology exist?

Topologically, you could say that this is true because $K(A,1)$ exists for nonabelian groups $A$. When the action of $G$ on $A$ is trivial, at least, $H^1(G,A)$ should be homotopy classes of maps fro …
Eric Wofsey's user avatar
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7 votes

Left orthogonals to compact objects in triangulated categories: existence and "control"?

This happens in spectra. By a theorem of Lin, there are no maps from the Eilenberg-MacLane spectra $H\mathbb{F}_p$ to finite spectra; the proof is an Adams spectral sequence computation using the fac …
Eric Wofsey's user avatar
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8 votes

Homotopy factorization of morphisms of chain complexes

Consider the following diagram in which the rows are cofiber sequences: $$\require{AMScd}\begin{CD} \tau_{\geq0}A @>>> A @>>> \tau_{\leq-1}A @>>>\Sigma\tau_{\geq0}A\\ @VVV @VVV @| @VVV\\ \tau_{\geq0}B …
Eric Wofsey's user avatar
  • 31.2k
4 votes

If a t-truncation of the unit object in a stable homotopy category is a ring object up to ho...

In the usual stable homotopy category of spectra, the Postnikov truncations of any connective commutative ring are again commutative rings, and the entire Postnikov tower can be enriched to maps of co …
Eric Wofsey's user avatar
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3 votes

When does $M \otimes_{A} \pi_{0}(A) \simeq 0$ imply $M \simeq 0$?

In fact, this holds for the derived category of any connective $E_\infty$ ring spectrum $A$ such that $\pi_i(A)=0$ for $i$ sufficiently large: If $M$ is an $A$-module and $M\otimes_A H\pi_0(A)$ is co …
Eric Wofsey's user avatar
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6 votes

Homological algebra for commutative monoids?

One interpretation of the "right" category for doing homological algebra of commutative monoids would be the category of simplicial commutative monoids. Now up to homotopy, a space is a commutative m …
Eric Wofsey's user avatar
  • 31.2k