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On the blending of real/complex analysis with number theory. The study involves distribution of prime numbers and other problems and helps giving asymptotic estimates to these.

2 votes
0 answers

What lower bounds are known on growth of the distribution of the abundancy index?

Let $a(n)=\sigma(n)/n$ be the abundancy index of $n$ and let $F(x)$ be the distribution function of this index: i.e., the proportion of integers $n$ with $a(n)\leq x$. (This function is well-defined a …
8 votes

Is there some numerical evidence that $ \pi(x+x^{1/e})-\pi(x)\geq 1 $ for any large enough $...

Turning my comment into an answer: your conjecture is supported by numerical computation, but much stronger ones are also supported: for instance, Cramér's conjecture, based on models of the primes as …
Steven Stadnicki's user avatar
5 votes

Error term for prime harmonic

"Mertens' Proof of Mertens' Theorem" suggests that Mertens had an error term of $O\left(\frac1{\ln x}\right)$, though that's not tight; theorem 14 there offers an $O\left(\frac1{\ln^2x}\right)$ uncond …
Steven Stadnicki's user avatar