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Euclidean, hyperbolic, discrete, convex, coarse geometry, metric spaces, comparisons in Riemannian geometry, symmetric spaces.

5 votes
1 answer

Which Banach spaces are absolute Lipschitz extensors for compacta?

A metric space $X$ is defined to be an absolute Lipschitz extensor for compacta if each Lipschitz map $f:K\to K$ defined on a compact subset $K\subset X$ extends to a Lipschitz map $\bar f: X\to X$. …
Taras Banakh's user avatar
  • 41.8k
3 votes

Making compact subsets "parallel"

If $(E_t)_{t\in T}$ is a partition of a metric space $(X,d)$ into parallel compact subsets, then the metric $d$ induces a quotient metric $\hat d$ on the index set $T$. This metric is defined by $\hat …
Taras Banakh's user avatar
  • 41.8k
5 votes

Making compact subsets "parallel"

The answer to this problem is affirmative (at least for covers). Definition. A family $\mathcal C$ of subsets of a topological space $X$ is called $\bullet$ lower semicontinuous if for any open set …
Taras Banakh's user avatar
  • 41.8k
2 votes

A Uniform Metric Selection Theorem

For $C=\omega^\omega$ the answer is affirmative: Theorem 1. Let $X$ be a metric space, $Y$ be separable metric space, and $F,G\subset X\times Y$ be closed sets such that $\inf\{d(x,y):x\in F,\;y\in …
Taras Banakh's user avatar
  • 41.8k
2 votes
0 answers

Is the centroid property equivalent to the middle line property of the triangle?

By a Tarski plane I understand a set $X$ endowed with a betweenness relation $\mathsf B\subseteq X^3$ and a congruence relation ${\equiv}\subseteq X^2\times X^2$ satisfying all Tarski axioms except fo …
Taras Banakh's user avatar
  • 41.8k
9 votes

Can an acyclic continuum be metrically homogenous? (I'd say: no way! :-)

It seems that the conjecture (H2) can be confirmed with help of the recent result of Hofmann and Kramer ( who proved that for a compact topological group $G$ and a c …
Taras Banakh's user avatar
  • 41.8k
3 votes
0 answers

Is the Banach space $C(K)$ a $1$-Lipschitz comp-extensor?

Given a real number $c\ge 1$ let us say that a metric space $X$ is a $c$-Lipschitz comp-extensor if each Lipschitz self-map $f:K\to K$ of a compact subset $K\subset X$ extends to a Lipschitz self-map …
Taras Banakh's user avatar
  • 41.8k
6 votes

Axioms of length

I would suggest the following axioms. The length in a metric space $X$ is a function $\ell:c(X)\to[0,+\infty]$ defined on the family $c(X)$ of all connected compact subsets of $X$ that satisfies the …
Taras Banakh's user avatar
  • 41.8k
6 votes
1 answer

Are $\varepsilon$-connected components dense?

Let $X$ be a connected compact metric space. Given a positive $\varepsilon$ and two points $x,y\in X$ we write $x\sim_\varepsilon y$ if there exists a sequence $C_1,\dots,C_n$ of connected subsets of …
Taras Banakh's user avatar
  • 41.8k
5 votes
1 answer

An extremal property of points on the unit sphere of a 2-dimensional Banach space

Let $(X,\|\cdot\|)$ be a 2-dimensional real Banach space and $S=\{x\in X:\|x\|=1\}$ be its unit sphere. Assume that $S$ is smooth in the sense that for any $y\in S$ there exists a unique functional $y …
Taras Banakh's user avatar
  • 41.8k
7 votes
1 answer

What is the smallest Lipschitz constant of a Lipschitz retraction of $\ell_\infty([0,1])$ on...

By Theorem 1.6 in the book "Geometric Nonlinear Functional Analysis" by Benyamini and Lindenstrauss, the Banach space $C[0,1]$ is a Lipschitz retract of the Banach space $\ell_\infty[0,1]$. Unfortunat …
Taras Banakh's user avatar
  • 41.8k
4 votes
0 answers

Is each metric continuum $\ell_p$-chain connected?

This problem was motivated by the MO problems: "Running most of the time in a connected set", "Is every metric continuum almost path connected?" and "Are $\varepsilon$-connected components dense?". L …
Taras Banakh's user avatar
  • 41.8k
3 votes

Open covering with bounded diameters

The answer is given by the Lebesgue's Covering Theorem (numbered as 1.8.20 in Engleking's book "Theory of dimensions: finite and infinite"): If $\mathcal F$ is a finite closed cover of the $n$-cube $I …
Taras Banakh's user avatar
  • 41.8k
3 votes
1 answer

Comparing the areas of polygons via equidecomposability in the hyperbolic plane

It is well-known that in the Euclidean plane two simple polygons have the same area if and only if they are equidecomposable, i.e., can be decomposed into congruent triangles. Question. Is an analogo …
Taras Banakh's user avatar
  • 41.8k
10 votes
2 answers

A characterization of metric spaces admitting a bi-Lipschitz embedding into a Hilbert space?

Theorem (??) derived in this MO-post from Schoenberg's theorem yeilds a "bipartite" characterization of metric spaces that admit an isometric embedding into a Hilbert space. This Theorem (??) implies …
Taras Banakh's user avatar
  • 41.8k

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