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11 votes

What's the cell structure of K(Z/nZ, 1)? Does it let me sum this divergent series? What ab...

The answer to something like question 4 is "yes". It not only has an analytic continuation to $-1$, it has a unique such. In fact, it's a rational function. Something similar is true not only for f …
Tom Leinster's user avatar
  • 27.7k
7 votes

What is the size of the category of finite dimensional F_q vector spaces?

(Edit: the following should be a comment following Philipp's "Reid, what does that mean?", not an Answer. Can't see how to change it now, though. Further edit: I've appended a guess at an answer.) …
Tom Leinster's user avatar
  • 27.7k
3 votes

Is there a topological description of combinatorial Euler characteristic?

The precise statement of "nice" in Hadwiger's Theorem is "expressible as a finite union of compact convex sets". In their book Introduction to Geometric Probability, Klain and Rota use "polyconvex" f …
Tom Leinster's user avatar
  • 27.7k
2 votes

cardinality of final coalgebras in Top

I don't know, but one could begin to investigate your first question by considering polynomials of the form ax + k, where a is a natural number greater than 1. Maybe you already know that the answer …
Tom Leinster's user avatar
  • 27.7k