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Questions that are about research in mathematics, or about the job of a research mathematician, without being mathematical problems or statements in the strictest sense. Do not use this tag for easy or supposedly easy mathematical questions.

8 votes

Can the theory of elliptic functions developed from purely geometric considerations?

One possible source is the book Lawden, D. F. Elliptic functions and applications, New York, NY etc.: Springer-Verlag, 1989, doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-3980-0, (esp. Ch. 4 Geometrical Applications). In …
Alexey Ustinov's user avatar
11 votes

Examples of unexpected mathematical images

The Mandelbulb is a three-dimensional fractal, constructed by Daniel White and Paul Nylander using spherical coordinates in 2009.
3 votes

Examples of mathematics motivated by technological considerations

Markov chains have applications in speech recognition (see A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications in speech recognition by Rabiner), analysis of DNA sequences (see Biological Seq …
4 votes

Non-computational software useful to mathematicians

Mathpix is a nice tool to convert images to LaTeX: "Take a screenshot of math and paste the LaTeX into your editor, all with a single keyboard shortcut". Formulae can be taken from Internet browser, d …
15 votes

LaTeX tricks that save time in typesetting

Mathpix is a nice tool to convert images to LaTeX: "Take a screenshot of math and paste the LaTeX into your editor, all with a single keyboard shortcut". Formulae can be taken from Internet browser, d …
14 votes

LaTeX tricks that save time in typesetting

I'm not sure but new commands can be inconvenient for the editors. So the long plain commands can be better in this case. In order to save time I use macros which replace some simple strings by usual …
10 votes

Different derivations of the value of $\prod_{0\leq j<k<n}(\eta^k-\eta^j)$

Your are asking about determinant of the Schur Matrix. So you can use original Schur's article or another classical expositions mentioned at Mathworld.
Alexey Ustinov's user avatar
24 votes
1 answer

"Gauss trick" vs Karatsuba multiplication

This question is inspired by article Alexander Shen "Gauss multiplication trick?" (Russian, "Mathematical Enlightenment", 2019). Dasgupta, Papadimitriou, Vazirani, Algorithms (2008) Ch. 2: The ma …
Alexey Ustinov's user avatar
3 votes

Nontrivial question about Fibonacci numbers?

Parametrization of the equation $x^2-xy-y^2=\pm1$. Next step is a 2-dmensional isolation theorem, see Cassels, J. W. S. An introduction to the geometry of numbers, sec. II. 4. Indefinite quadratic f …
13 votes

Mathematical conjectures on which applications depend

Many cryptographic protocols are based on the problem which seem to be hard. Among them Discrete logarithm problem and its variants (Diffie–Hellman problem, Decisional Diffie–Hellman assumption, Ellip …
10 votes

Mathematical conjectures on which applications depend

Tonelli–Shanks algorithm needs quadratic nonresidue $n$ modulo prime $p$. If the extended Riemann hypothesis is true, then the first quadratic nonresidue $n_p$ is always less than $3(\log p)^2/2$ (Wed …
2 votes

Which math paper maximizes the ratio (importance)/(length)?

Crux Mathematicorum, 15: 7 (1989), p. 208.
-3 votes

Which math paper maximizes the ratio (importance)/(length)?

It is not a proper answer but... It is impossible to separate a cube into two cubes, or a fourth power into two fourth powers, or in general, any power higher than the second, into two like powers …
3 votes

Great mathematical figures and/or diagrams?

Geometry in Figures "written" by Arseniy Akopyan consist only of Figures. From Preface: This book is a collection of theorems (or rather facts) of classical Euclidean geometry formulated in figure …
44 votes

Examples of unexpected mathematical images

Suppose we have a function representated as discrete Fourier series (DFS). Each DFS coefficient has an argument and modulus. But which of them is more important? This strange question was discussed i …

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