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for questions about etale cohomology of schemes, including foundational material and applications.

26 votes

Etale cohomology with coefficients in the integers

The standard example is a copy of $\mathbb A^1_k$, where $k$ is an algebraically closed field, with two points glued. In algebraic terms, $X = \mathop{\rm Spec}R$, where $R := k[x,y]/(y^2 - x^3 + x^2) …
Angelo's user avatar
  • 27k
25 votes

Are all Galois cohomology groups also étale cohomology groups?

If $L/K$ is a Galois extension, then one can define a site in which the objects are intermediate fields $K \subseteq E \subseteq L$ which are finite over $K$. Or, you can take finite étale algebras $A …
Angelo's user avatar
  • 27k
9 votes

locally constant constructible sheaves and finite etale coverings

Consider your functor from étale coverings to locally constant constructible sheaves. It is fully faithful, by Yoneda's lemma. The fact that it is essentially surjective follows from descent theory. I …
Angelo's user avatar
  • 27k
6 votes

Universal homeomorphisms and the étale topology

I think that the following might work. Let $X_0$ be a reduced scheme over a field $k$ of characteristic $p > 0$, and let $X$ be the product of $X_0$ with the ring of dual numbers $k[\epsilon]$. Then $ …
Angelo's user avatar
  • 27k
6 votes

is the presheaf of automorphisms a sheaf?

You are absolutely right, it is a sheaf, you can glue local automorphisms.
Angelo's user avatar
  • 27k
6 votes

Zariski sheaves lifted to etale topology

I don't think so. Let $X$ be $\mathbb A^1_{\mathbb C}$ with two points glued together, and let $Y$ be the standard double étale cover, obtained by identifying two copies of $\mathbb A^1$. I claim that …
Angelo's user avatar
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5 votes

family of gerbes over smooth and proper algebraic varieties

By a family of gerbes you mean, I suppose, a gerbe over $X \times \mathbb A^{1}$. In any case, it has a class in $\mathrm H^0(\mathbb A^1, \mathrm R^2 \mathrm{pr}_{2*}\mathbb G_{\rm m})$. Since $\math …
Angelo's user avatar
  • 27k
5 votes

Principal bundles in the etale and Zariski topology and extensions of the structure group

The answer is more or less as Jason says, but the proof is very easy, and does not require any cohomological machinery. If $P \to X$ is a $G$-torsor, then $P/G' \to X$ is a $G''$-torsor, hence it is Z …
Angelo's user avatar
  • 27k
4 votes

Usage of étale cohomology in algebraic geometry

The Betti numbers of many (complex) moduli spaces have been computed by counting points over finite fields, using the Weil conjectures, as proved by Deligne, and comparison theorems for étale and sing …
Angelo's user avatar
  • 27k
3 votes

Sommese's theorem (generalized Weak Lefschetz) in arbitrary characteristic?

1. The argument seems to work fine in positive characteristic. 2. In Grothendieck's convention, the projectivization of vector bundle is defined with 1-dimensional quotients, and not 1-dimensional su …
Angelo's user avatar
  • 27k
3 votes

The cohomology of a $G_m$-bundle

This is true, if you take étale cohomology with coefficients in a finite abelian group of order not divisible by the characteristic. You can embed $Y$ in the corresponding line bundle $L \to X$. Then …
Angelo's user avatar
  • 27k