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Enriched categories, topoi, abelian categories, monoidal categories, homological algebra.

1 vote

Kleisli Monad bijection

I agree with Mike that you shouldn't NEED this, BUT the answer is yes. The monad $T$ arises as coming from the adjunction $U:C^T \to C:F$, where $C^T$ is its category of Eilenberg-Moore algebras. Sinc …
David Carchedi's user avatar
2 votes

Non-canonicity of skeleta

I believe that your theorem is false. Suppose that for every small category $C$ I make an arbitrary choice of representing object for each isomorphism class. Then, the fullsubcategory on these chosen …
David Carchedi's user avatar
5 votes

When is the $(F_!,F^*)$ counit a natural isomorphism?

In general, the counit of an adjunction is an isomorphism if and only if the right-adjoint is fully faithful (dually the unit is an iso iff the left-adjoint is fully-faithful). So, your question is ea …
David Carchedi's user avatar
1 vote

A 2-categorical generalization of "final diagram" (I asked for)

Lax-pseudo limits, bilimits, or weak-2-limits- choose your terminologoy- don't use non-invertible $2$-cells in their definitions or universal properties. (If you ask for genuine lax or oplax limits, i …
David Carchedi's user avatar
1 vote

Extracting the Sheaf and espace étalé condition from an abstractly given equivalence between...

The general definition of sheaf, is much more general than a local homeomorphism over a space- however, it is sheaves of this later kind that came about first. In the general framework, you have a sma …
David Carchedi's user avatar
3 votes

Limits are terminal objects in another category; (when) are they colimits of (another diagram)?

Todd already gave a beautiful answer. However, I will try to give a quick answer myself in simpler language: Since $\eta:F \Rightarrow \Delta_H$ is a limiting cone, for each object $A$, the induced m …
David Carchedi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Coproducts compute with finite limits in a reflective subcategoroy?

This question is related to this one: Which limits are preserved by a reflective left-adjoint? (And in fact may be seen as a special case, but I think it merits its own question). Suppose that $C$ i …
David Carchedi's user avatar
16 votes

Which functors between multicategories that come from monoidal categories are monoidal?

See Leinster's "Higher Operads, Higher Categories" Example 2.1.10. Maps of multicategories which come from monoidal categories are precisely the same as lax monoidal functors.
David Carchedi's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Name for a functor with this property?

Let $F:C \to D$ be a functor. Then, for all $c \in C_0$ we have an induced functor $F/c:C/c \to D/Fc$. Suppose that for each $c$, $F/c$ has a right adjoint. There's surely a name for such a functor. W …
David Carchedi's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

On locally-reflective subcategories

I am interested in the following situation: Suppose that $i:C \to D$ is a functor, $C$ does not necessarily have a terminal object, and for each object $c$ of $C,$ the induced functor $$C/c \to D/i( …
David Carchedi's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Characterizing the image of a faithful left adjoint.

If there is an adjunction between a category $C$ and $D$ such that the left adjoint $$L:C \to D$$ is faithful (but not full), can one describe the image of $L$ in terms of the co-unit of the adjunctio …
David Carchedi's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Which limits are preserved by a reflective left-adjoint?

This question is closely related to this one: Which limits are preserved by prolongation of presheaves? Suppose that $r:C \hookrightarrow D$ is a full and faithful functor and $l:D \to C$ is a left-a …
David Carchedi's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Local presentability and representable presheaves over the category of topological spaces

Is the category of topological spaces locally presentable? n-lab claims that it is not locally FINITELY presentable, but how about for some larger cardinal? Here I really mean the 1-category of topolo …
David Carchedi's user avatar
11 votes

What's a reasonable category that is not locally small?

The category of Grothendieck topoi and (equivalence classes of) geometric morphisms. For example, if $A$ is the classifying topos for abelian groups, the geometric morphisms from $Set$ to $A$ are in b …
David Carchedi's user avatar
9 votes

What is the correct notion of Morita Equivalence between topological groupoids

I'll attempt to answer some of your questions. First off, 1) and 3) are equivalent. This is because the bicategory of fractions in 3) is the Morita bicategory of topological groupoids, which is equiva …
David Carchedi's user avatar

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