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Results tagged with teaching
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For questions related to teaching mathematics. For questions in Mathematics Education as a scientific discipline there is also the tag mathematics-education. Note you may also ask your question on
Using slides in math classroom
I'm going to try to answer the actual question rather than saying whether I think that chalk or projector is better. That "question" being:
It would very much like to hear about your experiences …
How to draw knots with LaTeX?
Update 2021-02-07: I've now uploaded an extension to my spath3 package which provides yet another way to draw knots and links using TikZ. (This isn't a replacement for the original knots package, that …
Proof that bases etc. exist in early linear algebra course?
I'm teaching such a course at the moment, and whilst my university has high aspirations, I think that the "Not Quite Oxford" appellation applies here as well. … To forestall a slurry of comments about how I'm encouraging Bad Teaching Again, the gaps should be specifically chosen by the lecturer for this purpose rather than being what the lecturer happens to forget …
Why do we teach calculus students the derivative as a limit?
I'm teaching a course at the moment where I'm trying to get my students out of the "black box" mentality and start thinking about how one builds those black boxes in the first place. … Here's a quote from Picasso (of all people) on teaching:
So how do you go about teaching them something new? By mixing what they know with what they don't know. …
Mathematics and autodidactism
Mathematics is not typically considered (by mathematicians) to be a solo sport
I agree and disagree with this statement. I feel that when I'm doing mathematics, then I tend to work best by mysel …
How to draw knots with LaTeX?
Here's a, perhaps silly, suggestion that perhaps isn't quite what you're looking for:
Draw them properly in 3D using something like Blender, and then render it to a 2D picture.
The second animation …
Blackboard rendering of math fonts
Suggestion number two:
Get rid of the blackboard. The way to guarantee that the fonts look right is to have a computer display them (either by directly projecting or by printing out slides first). …
Blackboard rendering of math fonts
Suggestion number one:
Learn Calligraphy! It's a lot of fun and does mean that you can write the fonts in genuinely nice ways. Books on calligraphy tend to have detailed instructions on how to do a …