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Applied and theoretical statistics: e.g. statistical inference, regression, time series, multivariate analysis, data analysis, Markov chain Monte Carlo, design of experiments.

2 votes

Looking for a statistical term close to "precision"

I don't think there is perfect standard terminology, but I think we can reason our way to a viable option. Let us imagine that we are using a person's height as a feature for a classification probl …
Paul Siegel's user avatar
  • 29.2k
27 votes

Applications of algebraic geometry to machine learning

One useful remark is that dimension reduction is a critical problem in data science for which there are a variety of useful approaches. It is important because a great many good machine learning algo …
Paul Siegel's user avatar
  • 29.2k
22 votes

Is data science mathematically interesting?

To begin, there is a family of results which are sometimes referred to as "No free lunch" theorems. Each of these results, in their own way, asserts that any optimization algorithm is just as good as …