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Mathematical methods in classical mechanics, classical and quantum field theory, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, condensed matter, nuclear and atomic physics.

4 votes

Categorifying the definition of a principal $G$ bundle

A modern presentation that fully covers the indicated cases can be found in the work of Nikolaus–Schreiber–Stevenson: Principal ∞-bundles – General theory. Principal ∞-bundles – Presentations. In …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
9 votes

Practical consequences of the geometric cobordism hypothesis

My question is: does this lead to a more-or-less explicit construction of any non-trivial quantum field theories? If so, this would be extremely interesting since only a handful of interacting quantu …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
10 votes

Supermanifolds — elementary introduction?

There is a short elementary survey by Hohnhold, Stolz, and Teichner: Super manifolds: an incomplete survey.
LSpice's user avatar
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59 votes

How do we give mathematical meaning to 'physical dimensions'?

Mathematically, the concept of a physical dimension is expressed using one-dimensional vector spaces and their tensor products. For example, consider mass. You can add masses together and you know how …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
3 votes

Connection on a Hilbert bundle

This is an answer to the refined question formulated in the comments: the base space is the unitary dual of a Lie group $G$. The definition can be carried out in the setting of stacks in groupoids (or …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
2 votes

Path integral derivation of extended TQFT

The physics motivation for extended QFTs (and not just TQFTs) comes from the locality principle (no spooky action at a distance). The mathematical expression of locality is the descent property for ex …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
5 votes

1d TQFT minus connection =?

Going into more detail (and consequently making more and more mistakes), a vector bundle with connection allows to assign to a point the fibre over that point, and to a path the monodromy (or holon …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
6 votes

Group cohomology version of Deligne-Beilinson cohomology

The nth Deligne cohomology is defined as cohomology with coefficients in a truncated chain complex of sheaves of U(1)-valued differential forms: U(1)→Ω^1→Ω^2→⋯→Ω^n for some n≥0. Thus starting with an …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
6 votes

Translation of an article

Download the PDF file of the original article here: and apply Google Transl …
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar