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Enriched categories, topoi, abelian categories, monoidal categories, homological algebra.

15 votes

A continuous notion of realizability

Kleene defined a continuous realizability over Baire space, i.e. $\mathbb N^{\mathbb N}$ with the product topology. In this model $\forall x\exists y\phi(x,y)$ is valid, if there is a continuous funct …
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20 votes
3 answers

Categories of recursive functions

I have a couple of conjectures on recursive functions, that I feel must have been proved or refuted by someone else, but I don't know where to look. In short: 1. The primitive recursive functions for …
2 votes

Extending Kan fibrations, without using minimal fibrations

Despite having left academia, I still work on this problem from time to time, and I (hope I) recently worked out a combinatorial proof for the base case of extension along a horn inclusion: https://g …
Wouter Stekelenburg's user avatar
7 votes

What is the (Co)Monad for a Bag

The answer is essentially already in the comments. Commutativity erases a monoid's sense of order, so the free commutative monoid monad is the 'bag monad' even if the free monoid monad is the 'list mo …
Wouter Stekelenburg's user avatar
2 votes

is shuffle a Monad?

The haskell monad you mention models the process of drawing from a sequence at random. It is a state monad--with underlying map of objects $X \mapsto (S\times X)^S$--where the state includes the remai …
Wouter Stekelenburg's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Ex/reg toposes without generic monomorphisms

A generic monomorphism is a monomorphism of which every monomorphisms in the same category is a pullback; it is like a subobject classifier without uniqueness. I am looking for a locally Cartesian clo …
1 vote

Equivalence relations in suplattices

A suplattice automatically has all meets, and a suplattice where meets distribute over all joins is a locale. The category of partial (i.e. nonreflexive) equivalence relations and functional relations …
Wouter Stekelenburg's user avatar
5 votes

Does this kind of endofunctor ever have an initial algebra?

I don't know any examples with $\Omega$, but $x\mapsto 2^{2^x}$ has an initial algebra in the effective topos. The object $2^{2^x}$ is a quotient of a subobject of the natural number object for any ob …
Wouter Stekelenburg's user avatar
4 votes

Adjoint of Pushout as Modal Operators in Internal Logic

The pullback $\forall$ and $\exists$ are adjoint to the inverse image map of a morphism, which sends a subobject to its pullback along the morphism. I don't know what a pushout of a subobject is, thou …
Wouter Stekelenburg's user avatar
1 vote

Nelson natural number objects in a topos (say)

I think the answer is no, because being an natural number object is a universal property and being a model of Nelson arithmetic is not. As long as a category is Heyting (is a regular category where t …
Wouter Stekelenburg's user avatar
2 votes

Monoidal structure on a category with products and with terminal object

You can find it as an example of a monoidal category in Tom Leinster's "Higher Operads, Higher Categories", which contains loads of coherence proofs for higher categories.
Wouter Stekelenburg's user avatar
11 votes

Small categories and completeness

Small (co)complete categories are posets by a theorem of Freyd. If $C$ has all small coproducts and its class of morphisms $C_1$ is small, then $C(x,y)^{C_1}\simeq C(\coprod_{f\in C_1} x, y)\subseteq …
Wouter Stekelenburg's user avatar
6 votes

What categories correspond to the typed lambda calculus with parametric types?

The internal language of a locally Cartesian closed category is a dependent type theory. A category $\mathcal C$ is locally Cartesian closed, if all of its slices $\mathcal C/X$ are Cartesian closed. …
Wouter Stekelenburg's user avatar
7 votes

On internal functions and arrows in a Topos

Question 1] Morphisms $\lambda:X\times Y\to\Omega$ correspond to subobjects $L\subseteq X\times Y$. The conditions ed says that the projection $\pi_0:L\to X$ is a (regular) epimorphism, and uv says th …
Wouter Stekelenburg's user avatar
4 votes

products in a category without reference to objects or sources and targets

As Freyd and Scedrov show in "Categories, Allegories", you can think of a category as some kind of partial monoid. Such a monoid has a set of partial units that take over the role of objects in standa …
Wouter Stekelenburg's user avatar

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