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Enumerative combinatorics, graph theory, order theory, posets, matroids, designs and other discrete structures. It also includes algebraic, analytic and probabilistic combinatorics.

7 votes

Highbrow interpretations of Stirling number reciprocity

Another interpretation (which is essentially the same as Richard's example of order polynomials if uses order polytopes) is via Ehrhart reciprocity (Stanley Enumerative Combinatorics 1, Section 4.6). …
Steven Sam's user avatar
  • 10.7k
10 votes

Why complete symmetric polynomials and elementary symmetric polynomials are dual to each other?

I think of all of the duality statements you wrote as a consequence of the fact that there is a ring involution of $\Lambda$ sending $e_k$ to $h_k$, so let me give a manifestation of that. First, the …
Steven Sam's user avatar
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5 votes

Stirling number identity via homology?

This is an example in some notes that I worked on. It's a bit involved, and I don't know how to simplify the approach further, so let me just offer a sketch (in particular, I want to try to ignore a b …
Steven Sam's user avatar
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4 votes

Learning About Schubert Varieties

There is a new book by Lakshmibai and Raghavan called Standard Monomial Theory which is mostly about how to do invariant theory in a "Schubert varietiesque" way. It is introductory to both Schubert va …
Steven Sam's user avatar
  • 10.7k
5 votes

Restriction of representation from GL(n) to O(n)

For the exterior powers (highest weight $(1,1,\dots,1)$), the restriction to the orthogonal group is still irreducible -- I think you are forgetting to take $\overline{\lambda} = 0$. There are also …
Steven Sam's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

Generalizations of generators / hyperplanes descriptions for cones to partially-ordered fields?

Background: given a finite-dimensional real vector space V of dimension d, I can define a pointed cone in two ways: either as a set of the form $\{r_1v_1 + \cdots + r_nv_n \mid r_1, \dots, r_n \in R_{ …
Steven Sam's user avatar
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2 votes

Why do non-equioriented A<sub>n</sub> quivers have singularities identical to the singularit...

The relevance of hom-controlled functors comes from Zwara's paper "Smooth morphisms of module schemes" (Theorem 1.2). The definition there is that two schemes with basepoints $(X,x)$ and $(Y,y)$ have …
Steven Sam's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Where do stable Kronecker coefficients live "in nature"?

Background: For a partition $\lambda$, let $\lambda[N] = (N - |\lambda|, \lambda_1, \lambda_2, \lambda_3, \dots)$, also let $\chi_\lambda$ be the corresponding irreducible character of the symmetric …
Steven Sam's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Generators and relations for irreps of the Brauer algebra

The field of definition will be the complex numbers, $V$ is a vector space of dimension $m$, and $O(V)$ is the orthogonal group preserving some nondegenerate bilinear form on $V$. The centralizer alge …
Steven Sam's user avatar
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1 vote

Generators and relations for irreps of the Brauer algebra

Possibly this is the same thing as Bruce Westbury is saying, but I found this short paper of Kerov, "Realizations of representations of the Brauer semigroup" which constructs the irreducible represent …
Steven Sam's user avatar
  • 10.7k
4 votes

Generalizations of the Birkhoff-von Neumann Theorem

Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but the statement for symmetric doubly stochastic matrices is that every such one can be written as a convex combination of $(\sigma + \sigma^t)/2$ where $ …
Steven Sam's user avatar
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41 votes
6 answers

Why do Littlewood-Richardson coefficients describe the cohomology of the Grassmannian?

I'm looking for a "conceptual" explanation to the question in the title. The standard proofs that I've seen go as follows: use the Schubert cell decomposition to get a basis for cohomology and show th …
Steven Sam's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Branching rule from symmetric group $S_{2n}$ to hyperoctahedral group $H_n$

Embed the hyperoctahedral group $H_n$ into the symmetric group $S_{2n}$ as the centralizer of the involution $(1, 2) (3, 4) \cdots (2n-1, 2n)$ (cycle notation). Label representations of $S_{2n}$ by pa …
Steven Sam's user avatar
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9 votes

Branching rule from symmetric group $S_{2n}$ to hyperoctahedral group $H_n$

Okay I found it in the article by Koike and Terada, "Littlewood's formulas and their application to representations of classical Weyl groups". Here is the theorem. Define $d^\nu_{\lambda, \mu}$ as the …
Steven Sam's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

D-finiteness of Hilbert series of non-commutative invariant ring under reductive group

Let $G$ be reductive group over a field of characteristic $0$ ($GL_n$ fine for this question). Let $V$ be a linear representation of $G$. Then $G$ acts on the tensor algebra $T(V) = \bigoplus_{n \ge 0 …
Steven Sam's user avatar
  • 10.7k

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