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Algebraic varieties, stacks, sheaves, schemes, moduli spaces, complex geometry, quantum cohomology.

3 votes

Sheaf cohomology and torsion

The answer is yes, assuming by $(f_1,\ldots, f_n)$-torsion you mean that each element of each cohomology group of $F$ is killed by some power of this ideal. There are several ways to see this. The mo …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
7 votes

"Points" in algebraic geometry: Why shift from m-Spec to Spec?

For starters is worth noting that in the case of Jacobson rings (and more generally Jacobson schemes) ( for instance has a definition) that the spectrum of ma …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
6 votes

Does the fiber product of two regular varieties over perfect field remain regular?

The answer is yes. Indeed, over a perfect field the notions of smooth and regular coincide so it follows from the fact that base change and composition preserve smoothness.
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
4 votes

Algebraic Geometry in an applied setting?

You might also want to check out this paper by Landsberg and Teitler on getting bounds for the Waring rank (and border rank) of symmetric tensors using geometry. The point here is that the projecti …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
4 votes

Is there a version of the valuative criteria for separateness/properness for varieties?

If you make the statement Fix an algebraically closed base field k and let X be a scheme of finite type over k. Then X/k is proper iff for all smooth quasi-projective curves C/k and all maps f: C\c …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
3 votes

An application of the Künneth formula in the proof of the theorem of the cube

One uses the following trick. By the projection formula we have $${p_2}_*(\mathcal{O}_{X\times Y_1}) \cong {p_2}_*(p_2^*M_1^{-1} \otimes L_1) \cong M_1^{-1} \otimes {p_2}_*(L_1)$$ and since $X$ is co …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
27 votes

Pushouts in the Category of Schemes

Given schemes $X,Y$ and $Z$ such that $Z$ is a closed subscheme of both $X$ and $Y$ the pushout exists in the category of schemes. So in particular one can glue schemes along a closed point. A referen …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
10 votes

Does the fiber product of two normal varieties remain normal?

The answer is yes. In general one can define a normal morphism of schemes $f:X \rightarrow Y$ to be a flat morphism such that for every $y \in Y$ the fibre over $y$ is geometrically normal. Then we …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
3 votes

Are good introductory/pedagogical problems in algebraic geometry rare?

Hartshorne has lots of problems and while a lot of them I probably wouldn't say are fun there are certainly a lot of them which are worth doing. But now that I have given the standard answer I can't …
2 votes

Morphisms of (quasi-)projective varieties

Hopefully I can go some of the way toward addressing 2 and 3 without getting carried away and getting too technical/newbie unfriendly, although I have a feeling I'm going to fail at this last part. T …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
1 vote

When does direct image with proper support have a right adjoint?

So we know that such an adjunction exists for a closed immersion or for an open immersion where we get $(f_*, f^!)$ the pushforward and subsheaf with supports and $(f_!, f^*)$ the extension by zero an …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
2 votes

Dense section of sheaves of modules

The answer is no - the point is that finitely generated projective modules are locally free but not necessarily globally so. For instance take a Dedekind domain $A$ which does not have unique factori …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
6 votes

When are GIT quotients projective?

I'm not sure if this is the sort of thing you are after but one can say the following. Suppose we work over a base field $k$. If $X$ is proper over $k$ and the $G$-linearized invertible sheaf $L$ is …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
1 vote

Is projectiveness a Zariski-local property of modules? (Answered: Yes!)

This is not an answer to your question about Zariski-local projectivity, but it is relevant to being locally free and you might be interested. One can get away with finitely generated rather than fin …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar
4 votes

Global proof of Serre duality

I thought I'd offer a high-tech alternative for certain varieties. If $X$ is smooth and projective over a field $k$ then Bondal and van den Bergh give a proof in Generators and representability of fun …
Greg Stevenson's user avatar

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