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In probability and statistics, a probability distribution assigns a probability to each measurable subset of the possible outcomes of a random experiment, survey, or procedure of statistical inference.

3 votes

Testing uniformity for continuous probability distributions

This shouldn't be possible without assumptions on $X$. Take any algorithm drawing $m$ samples. Construct a discrete distribution $X$ by drawing $2^m$ samples indepedently and uniformly from $[0,1]$, a …
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4 votes

Approximating Probability Distribution by Sampling

Just saw this question. As KEW says in the comments, questions like these are studied in theoretical CS as it intersects with stats. It depends on the measure used to define "good". One natural choic …
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2 votes

Probability of the maximum of a throw of an infinite number of $n$-sided dice being $k$

Intuition should say that if we keep tossing a die with a finite number of outcomes, then sooner or later we will see every outcome, in particular, we will see the maximum outcome. A proof is $$\Pr[\ …
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1 vote

Strictly Proper Scoring Rules and f-Divergences

In a word, yes, KL is the only one. You're correct that $S$ is strictly proper if and only if $D_S$ is a Bregman divergence of some strictly convex function[1] (note you should swap the terms in your …
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1 vote

$L_1$ norm concentration of an empirical distribution

The way this is usually put, the answer is that to achieve $\Pr[\|\hat{P}-P\|_1 \leq t] \geq 1- \delta$, one needs a sample size $N = \Theta\left(\frac{m + \ln(1/\delta)}{t^2}\right)$. The answer is t …
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1 vote

Looking for a certain kind of a distribution

In general, you are just asking about a weighted sum of i.i.d. variables from distribution $D$, with weights $\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n$. The Gaussian distribution is the only one that is rotationally i …
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2 votes

Reconstructing probability distribution with high probability

Based on this cstheory post's argument from Clément Canonne[1], for $\delta = O(1)$ it suffices to draw $m = O(1/\epsilon^2)$ samples. This can be extended to show that $$ m = O\left(\frac{\log(1/\d …
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A natural sum over multisets (expectation over multinomial)

I think this is a natural question but am not sure where to find resources. Consider the possible multisets arising from choosing $n$ times an item from one of $k$ categories. We can represent one su …
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2 votes

lower bound the probability of at least L collisions

Main claim. $$\Pr[|X - \mathbb{E} X| \geq t] \leq \frac{\mathbb{E} X}{t^2} \approx \frac{L}{t^2}. $$ You can bound the variance and use Chebyshev's Inequality as you suggest, and the calculations are …
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4 votes

The relative error of approximating a binomial

Don't forget that far out in the left tail, the Binomial CDF is multiplicatively approximated by the PMF, because terms grow geometrically. Example. For $t \leq \frac{np}{2}$, we claim $\Pr[X = t] \le …
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