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Spectrum, resolvent, numerical range, functional calculus, operator semigroups. Special classes of operators: compact, Fredholm, dissipative, differential, integral, pseudodifferential, etc.

1 vote

Unconditionally $p$-converging operators on $L_{1}[0,1]$

No. Take a projection $P$ from $L_1$ onto a subspace isometrically isomorphic to $\ell_1$ and use the fact that $\ell_1$ has the Schur property.
Bill Johnson's user avatar
  • 31.5k
3 votes

Operators from $\ell_\infty$

Every bounded linear operator from $\ell_\infty$ to a separable space is weakly compact. This follows, for example, from the fact that $\ell_\infty$ is a Grothendieck space (use Google).
Bill Johnson's user avatar
  • 31.5k
2 votes

Convergence of operators in trace-class sense

No. Let $P$ be an orthogonal projection on $H$ whose range and kernel are both infinite dimensional, and set $C=P$, $A=I-P$. Let $(e_n)$ be an ON basis for $PH$ and $(f_n)$ an ON basis for $(I-P)H$. L …
Bill Johnson's user avatar
  • 31.5k
5 votes

Embedding finite dimensional subspaces of Schatten p-classes

See Schechtman, Gideon (IL-WEIZ) Three observations regarding Schatten p classes. (English summary) J. Operator Theory 75 (2016), no. 1, 139–149. 46B28 (47B10)
Bill Johnson's user avatar
  • 31.5k
6 votes

Density of sets whose image is dense

No, not even if $X=\ell_2$. Le $A$ be the closed span of $(e_n)_{n=2}^\infty$ and map $A$ to a proper dense subspace and $e_1$ to a vector not in that subspace.
Bill Johnson's user avatar
  • 31.5k
6 votes

Non strictly-singular operators and complemented subspaces

Thanks for the email, Markus. Let’s agree that “space” means “infinite dimensional Banach space” so that subspaces are always infinite dimensional. A Banach space $X$ is decomposable if it is the di …
Bill Johnson's user avatar
  • 31.5k
11 votes

Compact non-nuclear operators

Pisier constructed a Banach space such that the operator norm is equivalent to the nuclear norm on the finite rank operators. Consequently, no compact non nuclear operator on his space is the norm li …
Bill Johnson's user avatar
  • 31.5k
5 votes

Characterisation of compact operators

No. Consider $H = (\sum_n \ell_2^{2^n})_2$ with the unit vector basis. In $\ell_2^{2^n}$, let $x_n$ be the sum of the unit vector basis. For the subspace take the closed linear span of $(x_n)$.
Bill Johnson's user avatar
  • 31.5k
21 votes

tr(ab)=tr(ba), part 2.

My question has a negative answer. Lemma. Suppose $X$ has the approximation property (AP), $Y$ is a subspace of $X$, and $X/Y$ fails the AP. Then there is a nuclear operator $T$ on $X$ s.t. $TX\subs …
Bill Johnson's user avatar
  • 31.5k
2 votes

Perturbing upper-semi Fredholm operators

No. Take $U$ mapping $X$ isomorphically onto a subspace which is complemented via a projection $P$ and $V$ mapping $X$ isomorphically onto an uncomplemented subspace s.t. $PV=0$. (This situation is …
Bill Johnson's user avatar
  • 31.5k
5 votes

Compact restrictions of the inclusion of $J:L_\infty(0,1)\to L_1(0,1)$

There is even a non separable subspace $X$ of $L_\infty$ such that if $T: L_\infty \to Y$ is any weakly compact operator from $L_\infty$, then the restriction of $T$ to $X$ is compact. Indeed, if $Z$ …
Bill Johnson's user avatar
  • 31.5k
4 votes

Existence of an injective unbounded below operator

Yes. Using the injective property of $\ell_\infty$, get an operator $S:X\to \ell_\infty$ that is compact on some infinite dimensional subspace $X_0$ of $X$. Let $Q: X \to X/X_0$ be the quotient map. D …
Bill Johnson's user avatar
  • 31.5k
4 votes

Approximation Property: Decomposition

You can always get such a representation. First, given $C$ in the closer of the finite rank operators, you can write it as an infinite sum $\sum T_n$ of finite rank operators (even with $\|T_n\| < 2 …
Bill Johnson's user avatar
  • 31.5k
7 votes

Extending compact operators

You can always extend a nuclear operator even to a nuclear operator. Every compact operator is nuclear on some infinite dimensional subspace, so your question has a positive answer.
Bill Johnson's user avatar
  • 31.5k
5 votes

Extension of weakly compact operators from $\ell_1$ into $c_0$

@Joaquin: This one pushed me. It is, IMO, one of the nicest problems on Banach space theory asked on MO. The answer is no. For a counterexample, take any weakly compact operator $T:\ell_1 \to c_0$ …
Bill Johnson's user avatar
  • 31.5k

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