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4 votes

What is the image of the Hecke operator $U_p$?

The statement, as claimed, is false. Let $p = 2, N = 11$, and let $f_0$ be the unique normalised eigenform in $S_2(\Gamma_0(11))$; and set $f(\tau) = f_0(8\tau)$. Then $f \in M_2(\Gamma_0(Np^3))$, but …
David Loeffler's user avatar
7 votes

Origin of definitions of ramified Hecke operators

These operators certainly appeared in the 1970 paper by Atkin and Lehner: Atkin, A. O. L.; Lehner, J. Hecke operators on $\Gamma_0(m)$. Math. Ann. 185 (1970), 134–160. I don't know for sure th …
David Loeffler's user avatar
8 votes

Restriction to the diagonal of Hilbert eigenforms

It is extremely unusual for the restriction of a Hilbert modular form to the diagonal to be an elliptic modular eigenform. It happens occasionally in some small cases (by coincidence, essentially), bu …
David Loeffler's user avatar
4 votes

Integrality of Atkin-Lehner operator for $\Gamma_1(N)$

Theorem. Let $\ell$ be prime, and $Q, R \ge 1$ such that $(\ell, Q, R)$ are pairwise coprime. Let $N = QR$ and for simplicity assume $N \ge 4$. Then $W_Q$ preserves $M_k(\Gamma_1(N), \mathbf{Z}[1/N, \ …
David Loeffler's user avatar
15 votes

Why is there a factor $p$ in the definition of $T_p$ via Hecke correspondences on modular cu...

This question is somehow a "characteristic 0" question, so let me treat $Y = Y_1(N)$ and $X = X_1(N)$ as $\mathbf{Q}$-varieties rather than doing anything complicated with integral models. There's an …
David Loeffler's user avatar